Michael Pollan’s “Cooked”

“Is there any practice less selfish any time less wasted than preparing something delicious and nourishing for the people you love?” – Michael Pollan, from his new Netflix 4-part series Cooked. (Available February 19.) Who’s watching with me? Here’s the official trailer…


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I am watching!!! This looks like it will be good, but I like Michael Pollan anyway and have pretty much all of his books.


Me, Me! I LOVED that book! Can’t wait to watch it (and especially can’t wait to force my husband to watch it with me so he’ll get on board the backyard smoking pit train! 😉 )


Wow – so excited! I’ve been obsessed with Michael pollan since reading the omnivores dilemma. It’s completely reshaped the way I think about food!


Have you cooked from the Pollan Family Cookbook? Lots of keepers in there, especially the key lime pie (almost healthful!). Apparently, Michael comes from a family of accomplished home cooks (including sister Tracey Pollan).


I’m envisioning this as a series of at home date nights. Now, help me figure out what to cook for each section!

Cynthia @ Chic Eats

Really looking forward to watching the series! When reading the book, it struck me as so fascinating that more people watch food shows than actually cook. Humans want to be connected to the process of making food and yet we’re rapidly losing touch with the physical process and incredible knowledge that comes with that. As an avid bread geek, it pains me to see the commercially produced junk on the shelves when all it takes is flour, water, and salt to make bread so good you close your eyes to enjoy it.
