On Mother’s Day

What the heck? No Mother’s Day post on DALS this year? That’s because I posted on Bon App on Tuesday all about how we don’t really celebrate it. I know, not very helpful. If you are like most normal people and in the market for a kick-ass brunch main dish, check out this baked cinnamony French toast from the always-reliable Deb at Smitten Kitchen. If I celebrated Mother’s Day, that’s definitely what I’d want in the middle of my peony-strewn brunch table. That, and a copy of Dinner: A Love Story, naturally.

Have a great weekend!

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My favorite thing to make on Mother’s Day is Monkey Bread/Pull-apart bread. I see Mother’s Day as an excuse to eat something totally decadent and sinful.

Also, I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

Beth S

I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

I think we’re doing a cook-out for Mother’s Day. No crowded restaurant, and I don’t have to cook, so it works for me.

Melissa M

This will be my last Mother’s Day orchestrating the celebrations for my own mother, because of July 31st (ish) I will offically be a mother myself. 😀 That means I will make/buy my mom a special treat and kick my feet up with her.

Also, “I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?”


I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

As my guys don’t cook, if I want anything special for Mother’s Day food, it’ll be something I pick up myself (so at least I don’t cook). It’ll be my first mother’s day and I’m looking forward to it!

Heather R.

I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

PS – I’m like you. I’d prefer dinner to brunch anyday! But, if someone else is cooking, I’ll happily eat anything!


I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

I loved your BA post – I couldn’t agree more !

Bobbi Huffman

“I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?”

Happy Mother’s Day!


We have developed the tradition of doing a picnic lunch for mother’s day. I get to pick the treats and the place. It’s great because my toddler can run around without me stressing about bothering other people in a resturant and yet we get out of the house for something a bit different and special.

I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

Kim R

“I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?”

P.S. I will be looking in your archives for a nice brunch item to make for my family. Thanks again!

Jessica @ Stay at Home-ista

So funny since we just decided to have brunch at my house, so therefore I’m cooking (instead of my mom or sister) and I’m making a cinnamon challah french toast casserole! I’ll have to check out Smitten Kitchen (which I love) for any helpful hints:)



I have that french toast on the menu for this weekend!!! Soooo cannot wait to make it for my babes.

I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?


I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

Love this website!! The chorizo taco was amazing!


I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?
Love the site, I read it, literally every day.
And Happy Mother’s Day anyway!

Carlinne @ Cook With @ Chicks

We celebrate Mother’s Day at my parents and all contribute something toward brunch. It’s delicious and not much work for one person. Usually the husbands/brothers clean up, which is the best gift of all! I usually make a baked French toast and plan to make Deb’s from smitten kitchen. I absolutely love the picture of you with your girls!

Barb in Phx

I’m not in it just for the tote (see earlier comment). I really enjoy your blog: the recipes, the point of view, the kid and adult book recommendations and the wonderful shrimp and avocado salad from your April 15, 2011 post. I make that salad a couple of times a month, and admit that I ate it three time one week when the avocados were particularly good.


I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

I thought of you all tonight when I made dinner– a (one pot) dish that I let my kids think they invented and so they eat it every time, no matter what vegetables I throw in. We use it to break them in to new ingredients by putting them in a familiar and beloved context (pasta with chickpeas and a little brothy/creamy sauce) I call it The Gateway.


“I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?”

And you can never go wrong with baked french toast!

Joan Browning

I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?”
Looking forward to reading and using your book/recipes in some of our cooking classes!


i’m not yet a mother & my mom lives far, so mother’s day will begin with a call to my mom and relaxing – typical sunday 🙂
I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane


I haven’t celebrated Mother’s Day in years. As we’re expecting our first child any day now, that might change.

Rack of lamb will most likely happen either way. 🙂

Oooh, and also: I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?


I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

Love your blog!! 🙂


“I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?” And I love the blog even more!


you and your family are so stinkin’ cute!
I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?


I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

The farmer’s markets are already open in CA!


We live in a university town that always holds graduation on Mother’s Day, so restaurants are definitely out! Probably something on the grill or pancakes made by me and the oldest girl.

I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?


All I know is that I am not cooking on Mother’s Day:)

Also, I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?


We can’t wait to read your book. Just pre-ordered one for my Mom and one for myself!


My husband has hinted that he’ll be making dinner on Mother’s Day – woo hoo!

P.S. “I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?”

Laura S

We don’t really celebrate Mother’s Day either as it is a bit of a sad day for us. We will, however, tuck into moule frites, a gorgeous glass of white, and enjoy this gorgeous weather that Upstate New York has gifted us with.

I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?


Wow, I love French Toast and cinnamon, so I’ll just have to print out this recipe and casually leave it in the kitchen, in the hope that my husband or one of my boys will make it for me on Mother’s Day! Thanks so much. Love your blog! And, Happy Mother’s Day!

Also, I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?


I feel a little silly–I never comment, only read–but… “I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?” 🙂


I read your newsletter do I win the Jane marvel tote?

Love your post! We are going to brunch. Happy mother’s day!


I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

Love your Blog. So many helpful ideas!


“I read your newsletter, do I win the Jane Marvel tote?

We really don’t celebrate mothers and fathers day, but my seven year old son did make us coffee and that made the day pretty special.
