Soup on the Brain

This post is for those of you in the Northeast who haven’t felt their toes since last week. And for those of you who keep tweeting and emailing requests for soups right now please, Jenny! And for my mom who called me last night and said Why haven’t you done some kind of soup yet? For those of you in warmer climes, sorry, this post is not for you. In fact, I’m going to do my best to suppress my envy of you and your warmer climes by just ignoring you completely.

Best Get-it-On-the-Table Fast Soup Greek Chicken Soup (Avgolemono), above. A Greek twist on chicken noodle. Just don’t do what I did last night, which was try to temper and whisk the egg into the broth during the 30 seconds my egg-hating sous chef Abby was retrieving bowls for serving. I panicked, didn’t get the egg mixture hot enough, whisked it into the main soup just as she was coming my way, only to find the pot of broth more Egg Drop Soup-ish than creamy, luscious Avgolemono. This wasn’t a disaster (I love Egg Drop soup) except Abby kept picking up little strings of white and yellow with her spoon and saying “This looks an awful lot like an egg.” (Me: “You were with me the whole time. How could there be an egg in there??”) If you have everything you need, you can be eating this in under 20 minutes.

Best Soup for Picky Eaters Tortilla Soup. If you are all set up for Super Bowl Nachos, then you are all set up for this soup. For me, it’s all about the lime, but for the kids, it might be all about the cheese. So think about the diners at the table as you assemble and customize accordingly.

Healthiest and Heartiest Butternut Squash Soup. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with this one, replacing the curry powder with smoked paprika (just a little; stuff’s strong) and topping with pepitas and Greek yogurt instead of walnuts and creme fraiche. No matter what you do, though, it’s a classic. It was also the recipe that convinced Andy that butternut squash was maybe worth a shot.

Scrappiest Soup Grated Vegetable. This is a riff on the soup made famous by Jacques Pepin that’s always good to have in your back-pocket. You basically bring a pot of chicken stock to a boil, then shred whatever vegetables you have directly into the pot. The only rules are to keep your carrots-onions-celery to an even ratio and, if you are using greens, to tear instead of shred. Simmer for about 15 minutes and stir in a few tablespoons of grits to thicken if desired. Serve with grated Parm or Gruyere and olive oil drizzled on top. And crusty bread.

Soup Most Likely You Could Convince the Baby Was His Regular Old Vegetable Puree Ariel & Yolanda’s Broccoli Soup. This looks so good, and calls for ingredients I always have in the pantry — I think I’ll try it out for lunch today since (shocker) girls are home from school due to inclement weather.

Others from around the web: Chorizo and White Bean, Tomato Bread Soup, Jamie Oliver’s Leek & Potato, Ina Garten’s Italian Wedding — amazing I haven’t made a version of this for the girls yet.

Stay warm.

Photo credit: Marcus Nilsson

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Melissa@Julia's Bookbag

thank you for all this lovely soup inspiration! it has not been as cold in the Pac NW as it has been for the East Coast, but it’s grey and rainy and I was planning on making soup this week, just didn’t know what. Now I have some direction! 🙂


I made the Tomato&White Bean Soup from the DALS cookbook last night – now it’s being added to the regular rotation! We topped it with some grated Manchego and it was out of this world.


Oooo Leslie, that’s a good one, too. If you toss some rock shrimp in there it’s even better.


This Ohio girl hasn’t felt her toes in a solid week…this is the perfect post. Greek chicken soup is one of my favorite recipes from time for dinner…thank you for reminding me of that. Dinner tonight, done!


Thanks for all the soup ideas…I think just about any time is a good time for soup (I live in Oregon, after all!) Stay warm & dry.


Re: butternut squash soup: we discovered that as much as we like roasted pumpkin seeds, we LOVE roasted butternut squash seeds: they are so much snappier than the seeds from inside jack-o-lanterns. Totally awesome on top of butternut squash soup.


I love your Greek lemon soup so much. It is so easy and comforting, and easy, and quick, and did I mention easy? Frequently I sprinkle a bit of fresh parsley in at the very end because it looks pretty and it makes me feel like, even if I don’t have the energy for a salad, I’ve eaten something green.

Youngest child is in the final stages of the coughing snotty creeping crud; I’m about halfway through the same, and my son just had a positive strep test. So we are in a hardcore soup phase right now. Thanks for all the suggestions. They are most timely.

Wash those hands, everybody and stay well!


It is soup time of the year, clearly. Came home to Kale, Sausage & White Bean Stew last Friday night (which = I am loved) and 4 people texted or tweeted at me that they were making something similar. And now, Avgolemeno is on tap for tonight.


Your Abby and the Greek Chicken Soup bit is hilarious. My four-year-old hates eggs and when I made your GCS, she kept saying, I rwiwwy rwiwwy fink ders eggs in here. I kept saying, it doesn’t look like eggs does it?! Her little brother, dad and I ate it all. She had PBJ… Tonight’s soup is a sorta made up crockpot deal of pinto beans, butternut squash and tomatoes. We’ll see. I am already suspecting PBJ on the menu…


I’ve challenged myself to a 52 soup project this year – one soup a week in 2013! My hubby and I have done 4 so far and they’ve kept us nice and warm (yes, we’re cold here in too!). Check out my first four… I’m thinking your tortilla soup recipe might need to make this list very soon! Sounds delicious!


I saved part of a rotisserie chicken to make the Avgolemeno (I like to sprinkle it on top as a garnish). Also, fresh oregano is very tasty in this soup.


Ina Garten’s Italian Wedding Soup is the BEST soup I have ever made. Run–do not walk- to the store to buy the ingredients and MAKE this asap. You will never regret it.


that grated veggie soup is my go to. it is so easy and delicious. i have brought to sick family and friends on more than one occassion…and they all declare it the best veggie soup. i think i will give that italian wedding soup a shot. it would be a big hit in my house, too.

Heather H.

It’s not soup weather in Chicago today. High of 65 degrees. But it’ll be perfect for soup on Thursday with a high of 15 degrees. I’ll be making the Greek chicken soup then!


Totally off topic but had to tell you – I made fish cakes (not from leftovers, but intentionally) from DALS, and the kids INHALED them, I mean, inhaled, need-to-make-more-if-I-want-any-dinner-myself inhaled. Thanks for a keeper.


I’m with Denise – Ina’s soup is the BEST winter soup! We had it just last week for two dinners, and a few lunches! It will warm you right up 🙂


I made the Sausage, White Bean, and Kale soup last night and LOVED IT. More yummy soups to try–thanks!


I have soup on the brain all the time. I made one or two pots of soup weekly all year round. I have on my “to make” list now — all new to me. I’ll have to add my vote for Ina Garten’s Italian Wedding Soup. It’s so good.


Goodness gracious! That should read “I make one or two pots of soup…” and “I have four on my ‘to make’ list now…” I thought I’d proofread. Guess not.


I’m in WI, and we had a THUNDERSTORM last night. Crazy, no? But it will be turning frigid soon the my blue soup pot will be back on the oven. I never realized avgolemono was so creamy–your description definitely makes me want to give it a try. Our other winter standbys are matzo ball and white bean with lots of veggies.


Thanks for all the soup ideas – i declared Tuedays ‘soup night” this term so soup it is! And “I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?”

Kelli Lewis

Yum!! And also:

“I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?”

(thank you for bringing food-love and happiness into my every day.)


I’ve made the tortilla soup and it is great!! I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

Mary H.

I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

Thank you for these soup recipes! We’ve been on a soup kick lately. And man, would I love a cast iron skillet- can you believe we don’t own one??

Kim R

I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

Mmmm! That soups looks divine!


“I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?”

That said, we are *so* having soup tonight after this post!! And probably tomorrow night and Saturday too!


It is definitely soup weather. Can’t wait to try the tortilla soup. I am making lots of versions this winter. Tried Rick Bayless’ a couple of weeks ago. Also yummy!

P.S. I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?


Soup is… there anyone who doesn’t love soup?

Also, I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

Candace Spencer

“I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?”

It is almost always soup weather in OR. Gray, damp….My family loves tortilla soup and to fancy it up a bit, I use the shredded chicken from a roasted chicken and then add a pound of raw shrimp at the end. I am with you on the lime! I garnish with avocado, tomatoes, cheese, black olives and fresh lime (sorry – feel free to leave the olives off!)

Molly Chartrand

Here in VA we went from 72 degrees yesterday to 42 degrees today so I am gearing back up for a long run of soup weather. I love Italian wedding soup…but I am looking forward to trying the avologmeno.

PS I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?”


Love this! My old routine of soup was getting old and I definitely will try to avologmeno! BTW…I am from Chattanooga which is very close to where Lodge is located. Very cool with “I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?”

Erin A

I made this soup tonight. Was wonderful and easy. My kids, who normally complain about soup, really enjoyed it too.

I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the lodge cast iron skillet?

Becky M

Always looking for soup ideas. These all look delish!

I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win a Lodge cast iron skillet?

Betsy Sell

Hi, Hi, Hi!!! I am a newsletter subscriber and love your site. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

Kat - LA Blogger Gal

Love, love me some soup. Had some twice this week already. Actually wished we had longer-lasting cold snaps here in SoCal so we could enjoy more soups.

I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

Michelle C

“I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?”  

It sure is soup weather, great ideas!

Amy Reed

I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?
can’t wait to try some new soups…

Sarah T

Dinners have been in heavy rotation at our house recently. We’ve just polished off Smitten Kitten’s carrot and sesame soup and are working on the baked potato soup left-overs. The picky toddler had a spoon of baked potato and proceeded to eat only the bacon and cheese, but she had more of the carrot soup – but then again, she likes carrot “fries” so not totally unexpected. Thanks for all the good ideas – grated veggie soup this weekend?

P.S. I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?


I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

Thinking some soup should be in my crock pot right about now.


Ina Garten’s Italian Wedding Soup is really good. The one change I’ve made is rather than adding the greens (spinach, arugula, kale, chard – whatever I have on hand) to the pot of soup, I cut the greens into ribbons and place them in the bottom of the soup bowls and then ladle the soup over the greens. The heat of the soup cooks the greens to perfection and you don’t have to worry about overcooked, tired greens when reheating leftovers.


I know this is an old post, but I still have to comment. My fam has been loving Avgolemono since I found your original post w/ its recipe. Well, everyone in the family except the child who insists on deconstructed dinners and won’t touch soup or anything that may have ever considered being soup. I was lazy last night, and just scooped some of the orzo and chicken out of the soup w/ a slotted spoon instead of really deconstructing it like I usually do for her. Guess who gobbled up the whole thing and was begging for leftovers tonight! By the way … is it wrong to lie to your child and tell her no we didn’t give her soup, it just as a little bit of “special sauce” on it???? 😉 Thanks for the great recipe!
