Special Promotion Ending Soon!

Just a reminder that time is running out! October 7 October 8 is your last chance to buy the Kindle version of Dinner: A Love Story for $2.99.  You read that right. Two Freaking Ninety Nine. I’m guessing you spent at least that on your venti half-caf this morning, and five times the amount on dinner last night. Not to mention, it’s $274 less than Modernist Cuisine. By any standard, a bargain.

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If I didn’t already have a well-loved hard-cover copy I would be all over that. Crazy good deal! Almost too good…it is worth so much more. Gave to a Mom of 3 in Minnesota for Christmas and she has told me how much she loves the philosophy and the recipes. Excited for the next book!


I snatched that up as soon as I saw it! But it’ll definitely be on my mind as a good gift to send friends as their babies get older. 🙂
Thank you so much for the support and encouragement you give!


Was the promotion extended to October 9th? Because it is 3pm on 10/9 and it looks like the kindle version of the book is going for $14.44 on amazon.


sorry about that Sarah — I checked on it a few hours ago and the old price was still up. They must’ve changed it back. Thanks for letting me know.


I bought your book for my daughter; she isn’t a mom, but she works, and they have trouble figuring out dinner sometimes and she wanted more cookbooks. I am so happy that I happened by here in time to get a copy for my kindle! I am reading it and enjoying it and it brings back some memories of getting through those times of dinner and work. I rarely read on my kindle, but this has me hooked and searching for more cookbooks for my kindle.
