We Knew Him When

If you didn’t believe Andy (and MacArthur) when he said George Saunders was a genius, maybe you can believe today’s COVER OF THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE that has declared Tenth of December “the best book you will read this year.” In honor of the Saunders coronation, we wanted to point you towards last year’s DALS guest-post where Saunders weighed in on his favorite kid books of all time.  The post still, to this day, is one of the most popular in our three-year history, and still, to this day, makes us cry when we read it.

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Oh man. I missed the original post somehow and cried as well. Adding so many of those books to my “please buy and read” list … hadn’t heard of many of them!


I’ve just gone and ordered some of those recommendations, plus of course Tenth of December. All your recommendations are always spot on. And yes, I too cried while reading that post!


Just ordered it. “Frip” is a huge favorite in our house and I’ve never read any of his adult fiction before. Sounds like now is the time!


I was so excited when I saw the cover this morning and I wanted to jump on your site right away. Of course, I got stuck making crepes for my crew for breakfast and by the time I did look at your site, you had already posted the good news. Congratulations on the awesome prediction. I just requested Pastoralia from our local library–can’t wait to read it.


I just reread it and again cried myself at the last paragraph. My children are 17 and 20, and the absolute BEST memories of their younger days were the nightly reading sessions snuggled with them in their beds. The only thing better than my looking back on those nights is present day, when something comes up to do with a book we read back then, and a little light comes across their eyes as they say ” I remember reading that book together in bed!”
