Book News

Update! If you have read my book, Dinner: A Love Storyif you have cooked from my book, lived with my book, are sick to death of hearing about my book, you should feel free to skip to the bottom of this post. And know that I am eternally grateful. In no small way, your support keeps this blog going.

For those of you who haven’t read the book, I just wanted to let you know something: Guess what guys? I wrote a book! And if you read this blog with any kind of regularity, if you get excited by things like mix-and-match menus and Venn diagram-dinners, or if you are the type of person who is required to feed people every day while also doing small things like holding down a full-time job, I think there’s a good chance you will like it.

At last count, there were well over 100 readers on Amazon who have said as much. I only bring that up as an excuse to quote one of the more recent reviewers: “Skip ‘Lean In‘ and try this!” How much do I love that? A lot.

In other exciting news: Dinner: A Love Story is going into its fourth printing. And for those of you who are inclined to read a cookbook on a Kindle, there’s an Amazon special going on right now through October 7. Dinner: A Love Story has been selected as one of the Kindle 100 (I have no idea what this means, but I’m going to pretend for our purposes that it is a big stinkin’ deal) and is only $2.99.

And then there’s this:
An honest-to-god, 350-page manuscript for my next book. It’s done. Well, not quite. But a big huge hunk of it is. And if I were a betting woman, I’d put my money on the celebration including a batch of Great Grandma Turano’s meatballs. Tonight. More details on the way very soon!
Thank you for indulging me. Back to regularly scheduled dinner programming on Monday. Also, big thanks to Jessica, of Feed Me Dearly and her gorgeous pup for sending along the photo way up top.
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That’s my boy! Great pic Jenny 😉 He’s been a bit of a celebrity on my blog too these days. PS am considering making your awesome lazy bolognese from the cookbook for dinner tonight. First day of fall is definitely here in NYC.

Jessica Hoffman

How can this be on sale for $3?? That is so awesome. I love my print copy but I just tagged all my friends who work all day and want to eat, have kids and want to eat… or just want to eat.

I’m really excited you’re already coming out with a second book. Most of all I enjoy your writing in the cookbook… and then the recipes. I’ve read Lean In too and I actually think you’ve got complimentary messages!


Congratulations on the success of your first book (it’s certainly well-deserved)! And I, for one, am really excited for the next one. Hopefully you’ll be able to share a little bit more about it with your blog-readers as it’s publish-date approaches 🙂


Oh I am so, so, so excited about the next book! Last weekend we had the pork and pomegranate and the chicken pot pie from your first book and both were totally delicious. Congratulations!


Congratulations Jenny! I can’t wait to see what the new book is about. How much do I adore that Lean In review? That is a reviewer after my own heart.


Just ordered my kindle version, so keep on thinking it’s a good thing and that it’s a stinkin big deal!


Wow, you just keep giving! Looking forward to your next good read and all the delectable joys to be prepared for my family & friends. Thank you, and Congratulations, Jenny! Cheers!


congrats! so happy for you! already have the book so didn’t think about needing the kindle edition…UNTIL i realized that if i have the Kindle edition of your book, i can do meal planning during my commute to/from work!

btw – this weeks menu plan was a major hit. added more keepers to our list – bbq pulled chicken, salad pizza, soy ginger tofu. so THANK YOU again.


Can’t wait for the next book. I own over 40 cookbooks, and that’s after really weeding out about a year ago. I love them. With this background: I want you to know – when I need an idea or inspiration in the process of a meal plan, I pull out three books to flip through. 2 of them are Ina Garten’s, and the other is yours. And I always come away with what I need. That’s high praise, my friend!


Awww, we have an old vizsla!! Drew is 15+ years old, very white in the face and paws but still asks for 2 walks a day and would sprint around if his old body would let him, he’s starting to get arthritis pretty bad but he still has so much energy! Love seeing other sweet vizslas (we call them veeshes 🙂 )

Maria Tadic

$2.99 is an awesome deal! I love getting my cookbooks on my ipad kindle thing. That way way husband doesn’t complain my cookbook collection is taking over the house!


Congratulations! Speaking of Great Grandma Turano’s Meatballs, how do you simmer them for 30 minutes uncovered without getting sauce everywhere? My splatter screen doesn’t help, and my husband was wondering how I managed to get sauce on the ceiling.


Ahhh I am so excited about the kindle edition! I’ve been giving the hard copy edition as a gift too many times to count, but have held out for myself for some reason. But now is definitely time to pull the plug! pssst. congrats on the new book. You are rad.


We at my home LOVE the DALS cookbook. I have a well-used copy that rarely is inside the cookbook cupboard because its used so frequently. I immediately downloaded the Kindle version…how could I resist the ability to have it at the tip of my fingertips all the time.

Jackie D.

Your book was the perfect read helping me focus on dinner in a way which eliminated mass craziness from school schedules and made me realize that truly dinner is more than just a meal. From when I first purchased your book I loved how it was part memoir and a cookbook combined in one. I also really liked your notes you provide such as key pieces to have in your kitchen (pots etc.). I am so happy to hear you will have a new book coming up as I’ve checked a few times after I loved DALS so much. Knowing that you live in a quaint town right next to where I grew up helps me feel too that through food we can all connect even if we never met each other before 🙂


I don’t cook for a crowd but my husband I cook together nearly every night. We started to do it when he was working at night and I worked days. He’d shop and chop, I’d cook and clean. He’d empty sink, I’d make shopping list. Now it’s just how we live. So I’m saying, dinner a love story is not just for families with kids. Oh, and we just started a supper club with some other childless friends. Nothing fancy, just a communal meal once a month. Maybe your next cookbook? Please?


You rock!!! I can’t wait for the new book! Congrats! And it’s pork ragu at my house this weekend!

Santa Zirne

Just wanted to let You know that one of the books has traveled to Latvia. I am a social anthropologist interested in food, love Your blog and the book!


Thank you everyone — I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: DALS readers are the nicest, smartest, coolest ones out there.

Heather H.

Love DALS. Giving it as a baby shower gift next month along with some spoons and bowls and such. Looking forward to hearing more about the new book.

sara h

I bought this book, and have since bought about 3 or 4 more, as it is now my go-to hostess gift…love it!!


JENNY! What is the new book about?! Can’t wait. Also, I have two hard copies but just ordered a kindle copy. Since I keep my kindle in my purse most of the time it can now help with shopping lists on the run. Yes.


That Kindle sale is what brought me here. I can’t believe i’m so late to the game!! I am of the same mind as you, family dinners are non-negotiable (even though it’s just my husband, 1st grader son, and me). I had no idea there were so many recipes in the book so now i will buy the print edition. i can’t cook from a kindle!! thanks! love your philosophy and meals!


SO SO excited there’s going to be a second book! DALS is pretty much religion in my tiny NYC apartment; I keep your book proudly displayed in my cookbook stand and use it more than any of the dozens of other cookbooks I own. And every time I try a new recipe out of it, my fiance raves 🙂
