Five Reasons to Make a Berry Galette

1 It’s summer. 2 It’s summer. 3 It’s summer. 4 It’s summer. 5 It’s summer.

Enjoy the weekend.

Summer Blueberry Galette
If you have extra crust and extra berries, add them to a ramekin to make a mini pie. Warning: If you have more than one child, this may result in an epic eye-scratching battle. Best to avoid altogether or make enough minis to go around. If you have the time or the inclination to make a pate brisee, by all means go for it. 

Preheat oven to 425°F. Place one piece of a 9-inch storebought frozen pie crust (such as Trader Joe’s or Pilsbury) on a cookie sheet and allow to thaw.

In a mixing bowl, gently toss about 2 cups of fresh blueberries with 1/4 cup sugar, a light dusting of corn starch (about 2 teaspoons), a pinch of cinnamon, and the juice of half a lemon. Scoop into the center of your dough, leaving a 1-inch border.

Working in a circle, fold the crust in overlapping pieces over the berries as shown. (Once you get going the overlapping of the dough should feel natural but if not, no worries, there is no real art to this — in fact, sometimes, the more artless the better.) Using a pastry brush, brush the crust with a beaten egg. (This is an excellent task for kids.)

Bake for 15 minutes at 425°F, then turn heat down to 350°F without opening the oven. Bake another 15-20 minutes until the crust is golden and the blueberries are bubbling. If the crust is looking too brown before the blueberries bubble, cover the galette with foil and continue baking. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or freshly whipped cream.

PS: I’m so making this berry dessert next.

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Made that BA berry buttermilk cake last week with blueberries instead of blackberries…the crumb was fantastic but we felt the blueberries needed some acid. Curious how yours will turn out!!

Melissa@Julia's Bookbag

Ooooh Jenny, well you know now that I love me some berry galettes!! This looks soooo pretty! And thanks for the berry cake tip, that looks like a Must Try! Have a great weekend 🙂


I’m so glad you posted this today, Jenny! Our local organic blueberry farm opened at 7am and my two-year-old daughter and I were picking by 7:15. We made quick work of picking ~5lbs. and I even arrived at the office on time. Thanks to you and your advice, my pate brisee is already in the freezer. Many thanks for your inspiring blog — I made two of your “Rich Man’s Salad Bar” summer salads this week. Lee Bros. slaw is a keeper!


I just wrote about you and this galette this morning! I made this on Saturday morning after reading your 4th of July post here. It was delicious and easy and so pretty. My store only had small pie crusts so I made several small galette’s, but the outcome was great. Thank you! (And thank you to Melissa who linked to her recipe in the comments last week because I would not have known what to do with the berries and crust once I got home from the store.) Now I think I’ll have to try the berry buttermilk cake next.


You helped me work up the courage to try pate brisee with the deconstructed cherry pie (thanks! It rules!) I’m trying this next….


I made the blackberry buttermilk cake last week. It was fantastic! Now for the blueberry galette… my favorite pie to make.

Mary Ann

I’m going to make this over the weekend, I think. My daughter is allergic to eggs (and dairy and nuts). What do you suggest I brush the crust with if I can’t use egg?


I’m not a baker and never make dessert for my family but I can’t help but notice whenever I am at a friend’s they always serve dessert. On a whim I picked up the frozen crust and whipped up this offering (with raspberries and blueberries I had in the fridge) in seconds. So in addition to our amazing bbq chicken and red cabbage/corn/spinach/peanut salad, DALS took care of dessert too. So easy!


Thanks for this! I made the blueberry galette with my two young daughters yesterday, and we had so much fun with it. Plus, the galette was perfection! I used the pate brisee recipe you linked and couldn’t believe how easy it actually was. I think Sunday afternoon cooking with my daughters may become a new tradition 🙂

Mary Ann

Hi, Jenny.

Thanks for the reply about an egg-free crust. I made the galette last night using an allergy-free pie crust recipe from Kelly at Food Allergy Mama. I brushed the edges with organic dairy-free margarine, and it browned nicely. It tasted even better – I love how light it is compared to a pie!

Unfortunately, we were not enjoying a good mealtime performance from our unusually cranky daughter (age 3.5), and the galette was set aside until after her bedtime.

So when is it that dinnertime becomes an enjoyable family ritual? At what age can we hope to expand our daughter’s repertoire of “will eats?” LOL

The food allergies don’t help, that’s for sure, but I’m starting to wonder if the “don’t force her to eat [fill in the blank]” advice has backfired. She rarely ventures beyond the fruit and carb items on her plate, and if we withhold those, she just goes without. Any advice?

Mary Ann

p.s. I remember the Vegan Fruit Cobbler from last summer. I was the first commenter on that post! Great reminder – I’m going to try that again next …


Ok, so Jenny’s berry galette from July 8th is the greatest thing ever. I have NEVER baked a pie and always thought of them as totally intimidating. I’ve now made this galette twice and gotten ridiculous reviews from my kids. (One time I even used frozen berries bc I didn’t have fresh.) Tonight, I went crazy and adapted the recipe into an actual PIE. Used another cup of berries and half the other stuff…It is so good!! Thanks, DAL.


Jenny, I love this dessert and have now gotten my mother and grandmother into making it. I have been using 1/2 blueberries & 1/2 blackberries. One little change I made in a pinch one night w that stuck: I use a little balsamic instead of lemon. This gives it a Cabernet flavoring. Delish!
