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Holiday Photo Contest

By December 7, 2012October 2nd, 20138 Comments

Sick of hearing about my family? How ’bout you tell me a little about yours? Share your favorite food-and-family-related photograph on the Dinner: A Love Story facebook page, tell me a little about what I see, and be eligible to win a DALS Holiday Prize Pack, which includes a Bodum Hand-Mixer, a $50 gift certificate to Williams-Sonoma, and a signed copy of my book. You only have until Wednesday, December 12 to enter, so do it soon! Not interested in submitting? Check out the gallery of photos anyway and vote for your favorite. I’ll choose a winner from the top five vote-getters.

Thanks to our first group of entrants above — submitted by by Phyllis, Emily, and Nina. Reminder: The entry can be any subject relating to food and family. Not just kids in the kitchen! So if you have a vintage shot of your mom serving Hamburger Helper in 1982 or a favorite photo of you and your spouse celebrating your first holiday together as newlyweds, or a particularly funny moment in the kitchen (think Woody Allen/Lobsters!), or just a beautiful picture of your family’s recipe for potato latkes! — those all count too. I know it’s probably a little intimidating when the competition is as adorable as it is above, but I want the full range!

Good luck!


  • Avatar Julie Mitchell says:

    I love this idea! Just found your blog about a month ago (saw & bought your book at my local natural food market and have been hooked ever since). Well done! BTW just had your salmon salad for lunch, love it.
    Julie in California

  • Jenny Jenny says:

    Thanks Julie. Welcome! That salmon salad is getting a lot of play these days. I just made it for 25 people last night as part of a Book Talk (with a LOT of help from DALS reader/friend Jodi).

    For book owners, Salmon Salad is on page 62.

  • Naomi says:

    Love this contest and the images uploaded so far!

  • Avatar june says:

    I love this idea and it might be just the thing to get me on to facebook. Only a decade later then everyone else I know.

  • jenny jenny says:

    I just want to say that I love seeing photos of boys on this site. I don’t realize how much I miss them until I see them!

  • Avatar Carolyn says:

    Hi guys,
    Just put Tears in the Darkness in my bin. Thanks for the referral!
    Also, my Refuse-To-Eat-Curry-Ever family loved the basic curry in The Book. You know the one.

  • Avatar Terri Wright says:

    Dear Jenny and Andy,
    I submitted my matchbox cars picture but am wary to ask my FB friends to vote for it. But I did want to participate nonetheless. Love the blog and am truly enjoying the cookbook. I teach high school English and routinely do dramatic readings of various blog posts. And I personally love all the book suggestions adult and teen/youth alike—Wonder was wonderful! Thanks for all you do for families and dinner. I love it all. Best, Terri

  • Joann says:

    Such a cute idea. I love all the images of the little ones participating in cooking. Even the new born.

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