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Domestic AffairsOrganizing, Strategizing, PlanningPosts by AndyRituals

Letter of Agreement

By September 7, 2010September 12th, 201253 Comments


  • Avatar Deb says:

    Or, do as we’ve done and pass this task along to the lunch eaters themselves. Our two oldest girls (third & sixth grade) make their own lunches & it has made my mornings at least 50% better. I highly recommend this approach (especially when done the night before).

  • Avatar Haley says:

    Life has crusts! Yes! I read your book and have to admit to a slight crush on Andy. Don’t worry- I’m a west-coast-Canadianhappily-married mother. Not sure why I mentioned geography before my marital status 😉

  • Avatar Kirti Pathak says:

    You people are hilarious! and so so sweet!

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