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By July 13, 2010October 4th, 201115 Comments


  • Avatar Grace Freedman says:

    I loved the article and your sentiment that dinner adds up to something tangible…true on many levels. Interesting too that Dominus states that promoting family dinner seems almost political. I do think that family dinner has far-reaching positive effects, and we should stop thinking its “impossible” or somehow anti-feminist to achieve it.

  • josephinetomato says:

    Enjoyed reading the article this morning in NYT – I too have kept my menus in a notebook for the last 5-ish years. I like to look back and see what I was planning, eating and enjoying and it helps me keep track of holiday menus too. Just found your blog through the article too.

  • Avatar Amy says:

    congratulations on the well-deserved awesome press!!

  • Avatar Amanda says:

    Wow wow wow! Congratulations on such fabulous (and well-deserved!!) press! I am so happy for you and for DALS! Who knew there were so many of us that love dinner and the memories created around it?? Thank you, Jenny, for creating such a place and for fostering a lovely community too! (I know Iprobably say ‘thank you’ to you all the time, but I really do mean it!)

  • Jan@Family Bites says:

    Great article. As an event planner and foodie- mama I keep a record of the foods we make for the parties and entertaining that we do.

  • Maureen says:

    As I was reading the article, I was thinking, “I have to see if this chick has a blog…” Then I got to the end and found out I already read it! Congrats on your success!

  • Gabriela says:

    Great article in the Times! Glad it directed me to you’re lovely blog that I’ll be sharing with mom who’s a teacher so she can share with her families!

  • jenn says:

    wow, awesome!!

  • christine says:

    Congratulations, what a great article!

  • Mindful Momma says:

    Nice!! Glad to have discovered you (since you discovered me!). I desperately need some dinnertime inspiration so you can bet I’ll be checking your site frequently. 🙂

  • Elizabeth E. says:

    Lovely article–lovely sentiments, actually. At 56, my children have flown the coop, but I have many many handwritten sheets of paper with menus for the month (I did them a month at a time) hanging around this house somewhere, tucked away. Now I cook with whatever I find in the market–or the cupboard, but I still cook 4 to 5 times a week (my husband loves my cooking and I do like to cook).

    I love the idea of your journal–what a treasure!

  • Avatar Gail Peck says:

    I was more than delighted to read about you in the Times. As a mother of four grown sons who ate most of their dinners around the family table, I applaud your efforts. Keep up the good work.

  • Avatar Marcus says:

    A couple of years ago, my wife (then pregnant with our first child) and I went shopping for our first house. Besides the detail of looking for where we would start our family, it was a fascinating treasure hunt of personalities. We both have a vivid memory of a note pinned to a cork board in one house: FOOD IS NOT LOVE.

    I think the sentiment I most took away from the article in the NY Times (having never seen your blog before) was that food IS, in some ways, love. I have always felt that was true (as the primary cook in my house), and one of the ways I have felt most able to express my love. I think I fall in a long line (of mostly women) who have also felt this way.

    Food prepared with the hope/intent of strengthening, warming, uplifting, is love. People who are struggling (pregnant women and toddlers especially) can experience radical improvements in their mood from the right food.

    Keep sharing the love!

  • Avatar Chef2RN says:

    I’m delighted too. As a former chef & now a mom, I am often plagued by “What’s for dinner?” Reconnecting with my foodie self isn’t always easy, but it always turns out to be worthwhile. Loved the article & look forward to enjoying your blog. Congrats!

  • Elizabeth says:

    Congratulations! Wonderful article. And good picture, too.

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