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Officially Addicted

By October 23, 201341 Comments

Quick post today to let you in on some breaking news: I am officially addicted to Trader Joe’s frozen Vegetable Masala burger. How do I know it’s official? I bought a 4-pack on Saturday and they were all gone by Monday. The count: One for Andy in between soccer games on Sunday; one for me for a quick work-from-home vegetarian lunch on Monday; one for Phoebe’s afterschool snack a few hours later; and one last night, for a standing-at-the-counter dinner after coming home late from Luisa’s panel with Deb and Amanda. (Can you say Dream Team?) I bought a pack on a whim a few weeks ago after tasting a sample — I’m such a sucker for those samples — expecting the usual over-spiced, mysteriously textured veggie burger. Instead, I couldn’t believe how subtle and natural the flavor was — and how small (and recognizable) the ingredient list was. Did you guys know about these? And if so, pray tell, WHY didn’t you enlighten?

I like to eat my Masala burger in a pita topped with a mixture of plain yogurt and coriander chutney (Swad brand, found at any Indian grocer).

Related: Mastering the Weekly Shop; My Trader Joe’s Hit List; Packaged Dinners You Can Feel Good About


  • Avatar Tess @ Tips on Healthy Living says:

    I love Trader Joes, and I’m addicted to their frozen food isle. Veggie burgers usually send me running in the other direction, but these look delicious! What would you substitute for the coriander chutney?

  • Avatar Kelsi says:

    I used to work at TJ’s, and these would often star in my early AM breakfast/post shift lunch….I think they have a pretty heavy hash-brown texture (there’s lots o’ potatoes in these) and less veggie burger, and they are pretty delicious with a poached/fried/soft boiled egg and top and a little squirt of Sriracha.
    Also on top of a kale salad is good too.

  • Avatar Rita says:

    So, I wonder if it would work for a lunch at work? I need the expanded DAL, which encompasses dinner, sometimes with a toddler, and includes making leftovers in lunch the next day, that feels better than a leftover. And maybe how to make trader joes lunches that don’t lead to weight gain? Or do I give up and eat out? Ugh, I’m overwhelmed.

  • Avatar mary says:

    I think I had the same tasting and bought a pack but haven’t tried them yet. Now you’ve inspired me to open the box’

  • Avatar Allison says:

    Love these! They have been my go-to veggie burger ever since I first discovered them. I love them with mashed avocado on top.

  • Avatar alpa says:

    I love these too! For some reason the last two times I went to my TJ’s in Chapel Hill, they didn’t have them. That’s the one thing about TJ’s- they get you hooked on an item and then they will stop carrying it. Ughhhh! However, I have two new loves there- the soy chorizo and their habanero tortillas. OMG!! So good! I saute the soy chorizo and make a wrap with the habanero tortillas.

  • Avatar Ada-Marie says:

    Thanks for the review – can’t wait to try these!!

  • Elizabeth Grant Thomas says:

    I have been eating these for years, and proselytizing about them for just as long. I eat them a couple of times a week, and they are super versatile — just this week I made a wrap with the cut-up patties, slathered with your leftover peanut sauce from the Peanut Noodles recipe, shredded carrots and cabbage, and pickled onions. Delish!

  • Sam @ The Second Lunch says:

    Ditto with the fried egg – I also will often crumble these and add to salad, or crumble and use as a base to a hearty egg scramble.

    Now, if only they still had the Trader Joe’s tomato chutney that they cruelly discontinued. Grumble.

  • Avatar Alana says:

    Since it’s Thanksgiving, I’m always looking for blogs that will give me plenty of ideas. My friend just told me about “Cooking With Mr. C.” on Facebook (also a blog). I just “Liked” his page. He dedicates November for all Thanksgiving ideas. I was hoping I may find some things on your blog this season too. Alana

  • Avatar Meghan says:

    Oh yeah, good stuff. Next time you’re at TJ’s, grab a jar of the mango chutney and throw a spoonful of that on top! I’ve also cooked it in the AM and tossed it in my bento box for lunch at work. Even delicious cold.

  • Avatar Kathryn says:

    We make a totally non-Indian Indian dinner using these and the vegetable biryani mix from TJs. Cook rice mixture and whatever other veggies we want to add for a few minutes in a big frying pan. Move it to the side of the pan and cook one of these patties, eventually breaking it up with the spatula and mix in together. Move it to bowls, fry an egg in the same pan to slide on top. Serve with plain yogurt and/or hot sauce. Maybe takes 10 min.

  • Avatar Kristin says:

    How have I missed these?

  • Avatar lena says:

    so excited to try w. tj’s naan bread. thanks

  • Mommy Lisa says:

    First my daughter tells me about Cilantro Vodka – now I find out there is coriander chutney? I am always behind.

  • Grace says:

    They look like a, well, pre-prepared version of these: which aren’t very hard to make from scratch! Mmm.

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