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Baking and Sweets

Question of the Day

By October 13, 2011October 2nd, 201319 Comments

If you present one of these baked caramel apples as an afterschool snack, don’t you think you are off the hook for just about everything else…all month long?

Baked Apples with Caramel

Heat oven to 425°F. Remove stems from your apples. (I used Empire here; you want an apple that can hold its shape under heat — Granny Smiths, Romes, Winesaps, Golden Delicious) Using a paring knife, cut about a half inch into the apple around where the stem was and remove the fruit. Using an apple corer, remove the core, without poking all the way through to the bottom. Using the same knife, cut a little belt, about 1/8 inch deep, all the way around the middle of the apple. Sprinkle the cores of your apples with cinnamon and brush the top with melted butter. Bake for 45 minutes. (Keep an eye on them as they bake — they may take less or more time depending on variety and size.) Drizzle with caramel sauce.


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