Happy Holidays! Happy Vacation! Happy Birthday! Whatever occasion you are celebrating, we are delighted to present to you the ultimate gift-that-gives back: A stunningly designed* collection of special children’s books that saw us through the first decade of bedtime-storying, road-tripping, read-to-the-class-ing, summer book club-bing and beyond. All you have to do is click on the link below for the PDF. Please, for full glorious effect, try to print it out in color. Also, please try not to cry when you read Andy’s introduction. I do every time. But then again, I’m married to him.

Click here to download your free copy of “121 Books” and feel free to spread the word to book lovers everywhere.

*Book cover and interior design by the inimitable Chelsea Cardinal.

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just skimmed it quickly but I am so excited about this. Loved the heartfelt intro. What a treat! And beautiful too! Hip hip horray!


Jeez, could I possibly get through one of your posts without tearing up! It doesn’t help that #3 on the list is our #1. It was my son’s favorite, named his stuffed bunny Nicholas and I can still hear his little toddler voice reading along with me. Can’t wait to read more.

Lisa L

Thank you so much. I’m always looking for book suggestions — especially when it’s my turn to be Friday Reader for my son’s 1st grade class. Much luck with the DALS book!!


Thank you!! This is just so nice. I love ‘Dinner A Love Story’, too. It was exactly what I needed, right when I needed it. Part therapy, part cook book, I laughed and cried, sometimes at the same time.

Shirley Boulay

This list/e-book is so very excellent that I’m going to buy a copy of Dinner: A Love Story to thank you. The illustrations are wonderful, and the contribution from George Saunders is great stuff. Inspiring, really.


Shirley – You are awesome. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that gesture.

Glad you like the e-book.


Thank you! Thank you! I can’t wait to enjoy some of the books I haven’t read this summer and then share the list with my fifth grade language arts class come September.


I was so excited to see your offer as I missed it the last time. But I cannot download the e book for some reason. Is it just me?

Sara in Montréal

May I suggest books? Is it the place? Not in a “should have been inclused” way, more like a “oh you liked this, then you should read that” sharing spree that the reading of this inspires me.

Tintin is good. But have you tried Asterix? Asterix – those where Goscinny was still alive and writing the scenarios – are pure gold and I’ve read them on a regular basis for 30 years now and still find something new to laugh about.

And every french speaking kid has read “The Little Prince” by St-Exupery. It’s the first chapter book I’ve read to my daughter, with the author’s aquarelle. Another book that you have to read many times as you grow as to discover all the layers of it.

I hope you enjoy (if you did not already knew them).


Thanks for sharing this, guys! Happy to see so many favourites of mine are on the list. A Very Young Dancer! Click, Clack, Moo! Yeah! 🙂


I have a feeling this will greatly increase my book spending, of course starting with Dinner: A Playbook, which I just pre-ordered. Thanks for the great book suggestions, all four of you!


I’m not married to him (I’m married to a different Andy) but I got teary with that beautiful and brilliant intro. Thank you! I can’t wait to discover some new books with my 7 and 9 yo.


As a brand new parent, I’m so appreciative of the effort and thought you put into this. It will be a wonderful resource to me!


I adored this! I just placed 10 of these on hold at my library! Now that it is 2022, we are waiting with baited breath for the rest …. I have a 12, almost 13 year old and would love to know what your darling daughters enjoyed when they were this in between age. Sending love, Abbey
