
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit ut turpis at rhoncus. Duis ac posuere augue. Fusce nec eros quis urna rhoncus iaculis. Integer et magna sed sapien fringilla fermentum. Duis diam purus, pulvinar eget risus ac, pulvinar congue tellus. Proin maximus ligula ac arcu aliquam rutrum. Vestibulum elementum, mi ut volutpat convallis, justo quam lacinia dui, sed faucibus ante nisi vel urna. Integer semper nisl sed massa consequat aliquam. Ut tortor quam, porttitor tempor leo a, vestibulum porta augue. Donec auctor faucibus molestie. Praesent condimentum turpis nec elit iaculis varius. Vivamus tincidunt non ex non mattis. Etiam tempor eu velit molestie volutpat. Integer vehicula vel diam porta molestie. Mauris dignissim, ligula vestibulum feugiat pulvinar, mauris neque commodo purus, et iaculis nisi sapien et lorem.

Open Sans (darker color)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit ut turpis at rhoncus. Duis ac posuere augue. Fusce nec eros quis urna rhoncus iaculis. Integer et magna sed sapien fringilla fermentum.

Wait, wait, wait, don’t go anywhere! You’re in the right place, I swear this is Dinner: A Love Story! Even though, yes, what you are looking at is a collection of perfect candy Christmas tree lollipops topping a perfectly iced cake on a blog that once might have said that “perfect” is “the enemy of good.” Big shocker here: I had nothing to do with this. It’s the beautiful handiwork of Jodi Levine, master artist (you may remember her as the craft editor at Martha Stewart), and genius behind the cult-favorite blog Supermakeit, and two books, Candy Aisle Crafts and Paper Goods Projects. Her philosophy — you can make extraordinary creations from the most ordinary things, mostly found in the aisle of a supermarket — is one we can all get behind, and we are so lucky to have her share three crafty food ideas for the holidays: Something to Make with the Kids (those lollipops), Something to Bring to a Holiday Party (whether it’s classroom or cocktail!), and Something to Wrap Up as a Gift (hope you are not reading coaches and teachers!) Thank you Jodi!

PT Sans (darker color)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit ut turpis at rhoncus. Duis ac posuere augue. Fusce nec eros quis urna rhoncus iaculis. Integer et magna sed sapien fringilla fermentum. Duis diam purus, pulvinar eget risus ac, pulvinar congue tellus. Proin maximus ligula ac arcu aliquam rutrum.

Wait, wait, wait, don’t go anywhere! You’re in the right place, I swear this is Dinner: A Love Story! Even though, yes, what you are looking at is a collection of perfect candy Christmas tree lollipops topping a perfectly iced cake on a blog that once might have said that “perfect” is “the enemy of good.” Big shocker here: I had nothing to do with this. It’s the beautiful handiwork of Jodi Levine, master artist (you may remember her as the craft editor at Martha Stewart), and genius behind the cult-favorite blog Supermakeit, and two books, Candy Aisle Crafts and Paper Goods Projects. Her philosophy — you can make extraordinary creations from the most ordinary things, mostly found in the aisle of a supermarket — is one we can all get behind, and we are so lucky to have her share three crafty food ideas for the holidays: Something to Make with the Kids (those lollipops), Something to Bring to a Holiday Party (whether it’s classroom or cocktail!), and Something to Wrap Up as a Gift (hope you are not reading coaches and teachers!) Thank you Jodi!
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