Fend-for-Yourself Night

Please head over to my favorite style blog, Cup of Jo, for today’s post on Fend-for-Yourself Night (also known as F@#k Family Dinner.) Pictured above: My Egg and Cheese Tortilla; Below: Andy’s Cacio e Pepe.

While you’re there, check out the rest of Joanna’s gorgeous food coverage including, but most definitely not limited to: banana-chocolate chip muffins, olive oil cake, coconut hot chocolate, and veggie burgers.  (#One of these things is not like the others.)

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Katy Santello

At my house, we call it “Every Man for Himself” Night! Or, EMFH!! It is on Thursdays, and the point is to eat up all the leftovers from the week’s meals and not cook anything to be leftover going in to Fri/Sat when we usually eat out or get takeout.


LOL! I eat dinner alone more often than I’d like to so I loved reading this article. Lately my eat alone dinner default has been chickpeas mixed with red onions, cilantro, spinach, cumin, and olive oil. Very fast & easy!

erinn johnson

We have a version where I call it have whatever you want and I wind up being a short order cook for my husband and four kids. Even though it is a lot of work for me, the kids love it, they usually cannot believe their good fortune that they are able to have whatever they want.
