Friday Round-Up

Hey, look at what book showed up on Food 52’s Provisions in time for Valentine’s Day! (Be warned: Once you click over there, you will be swallowed up in the beautiful things vortex.)

The battery-operated twirling spaghetti fork: So ridiculous. So endlessly entertaining.

It’s been too long, Chicken Kiev! This week, we reunite.

When elite parents dominate volunteering, it’s the children who lose.

Phoebe wrote a new post on her reading blog, Nerd Alert, about the book that sealed a really cool friendship. I think it might be her best post yet. {“Mom! You always say that.”}

Speaking of reading, the James Baldwin quote half-way through this Op-Ed says it all.

A fun way to enlist your kids in the lunch-packing grind.

These chocolate chip cookies look divine (as does the new blog where they live).

Always go to the funeral.

Remember my neighbor who left her job as a high-power corporate attorney to open a gluten-free bakery? She just opened up her second By the Way Bakery on Broadway between 90th and 91st. New Yorkers, please stop by!

Marinara Worth Mastering. Which just reminds me that sometimes the simpler the recipe, the more detail-oriented you need to be.

A Mommy Blogger’s Lament

Oh my goodness, Catherine, those chicken wings! Totally, 100% happening for Super Bowl Sunday.

Know anyone? Dinner: A Love Story is hiring!

Have a good weekend.

Photos by James Ransom for Food52. 

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Erin Waite

I send “Always go to the funeral” around quite regularly – though I’m usually preaching to the converted. There’s just nothing better than a perfect essay.


Love so many of these links, especially Phoebe’s post (her depiction of camp!), Charles Blow’s piece about reading,the Elite Parents observation, AND chicken kiev. All so very true… great to be reminded of how fortunate we are in various realms. Thanks.

Hannah Alexander

I’m so glad you linked to your daughter’s blog… how awesome is she?!?!?!? I am an absolute nerd who studied English lit and Journalism in college because of it (at College of Charleston! And I never left… I know y’all travel here and it’s the best place in the world to be). On an unrelated-ish note, I loved your book so much that I have been giving it as a gift to basically everyone I know. So well-written and just a gem. Hope you’re working on more!


Noticed last night that my copy of DALS is coming apart at the seams! I’m ok with that, though, b/c it’s obviously from overuse, just like all the cookbooks my MIL owns. cheers to good eating!


I especially liked the link Always go to the funeral. I just attended a funeral for my neighbor’s mother. I wasn’t sure if I should go but I’m glad I did. Seeing the gratefulness on the family’s faces reminded me that every person who pays their respects helps to bring people through their time of grief.

Kim Von Weihe

Jenny –

Did Phoebe read Counting by 7s yet? My son Max read it and she will love – made Max read her blog post. He also told me to tell her to read Navigating Early and Ghost Hawk (which is more of a boy book but he says she will love the way its written).
You need to come to Raleigh/Quail Ridge books – think you would do well there. Jarrett Krosoczka is the author coming to the kids school – check out his TED talk – his lunch lady graphic novels your girls would love.
