Just a Little Friday Reading

Easter entertaining advice from Ruth Reichl, plus an easy blueberry crisp that I am making as soon as I hit “publish” on this post.

I’m liking this trend! Especially when someone notes that Andy and I are part of the evidence that proves it’s a trend.

I don’t know why I didn’t own happy vintage juice glasses before this week.

I think we’ll go with the Yardbird when we’re here for dinner next week.

Raising girls who love butter (and themselves).

How did I forget how much fun a kid can have with a spy pen?

Yesterday I was staring at an onion and a pack of chicken and asked you guys what you’d make. (Should we bring back Food Network’s Ready, Set, Cook?) The ideas were inspired! (Andy, who didn’t know I was taking menu nominations, ended up home before me and made chicken tacos with a black bean salad.)

How do you take your eggs? However you do, Bon Appetit‘s Egg Primer shows you how to nail the technique in your own kitchen. (Seriously, have you ever seen a story this beautiful?)

Of course, Jon Stewart’s take on Pink Slime.

Joan Nathan’s Countdown to an Easy Passover.

PS: I found the above photo in Saveur about five years ago and it’s been pinned on the bulletin board of every office I’ve worked in since. The credit says Time-Life, and I’m guessing it was taken in the 60s. Here’s a Where’s Waldo-esque challenge for you: Can you find one of my all-time most favorite cookbooks in that pile? First one to guess right gets a free galley of my own book and a bumper sticker.

Have a good weekend.


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So funny — you are all very close. It’s nearby Joy of Cooking, but not Joy of Cooking. (Though I do love that one, too!)


Better Homes and Gardens? For easy family meals, quick reference, it’s pretty good.

On the other hand, Joy of Cooking is always referred to as “The Cookbook” in my family.


jenny – you are so cute! i love your blog, and i love your friday posts of this and that!
that butter link was brilliant – i struggle with that very issue as the mom to an 8 year old girl
my guess – who knows, hard to see all the titles? my guess – lets cook it right


Liz – you win the prize! For a long time now I’ve been wanting to write about the I Hate to Cook Book and how much I revere it. (Even though I’ve never once cooked from it.) Thanks for playing everyone and Liz, send me your address to Jenny AT dinneralovestory DOT com so I can send you a book and bumper sticker.


on the soccer sidelines today, friend andrea espoused your blog virtues and i’d love to share some cookbooks and dinner love with a fellow rivertown gal…


holy moly, is that blueberry crisp GOOD. I did make it for Easter dinner last weekend with homemade icecream and we all swooned. Repeating again today, but subbing half of the blueberries with the season’s first rhubarb– delish!
