Welcome to Family Dinner Boot Camp!

Click here to download a PDF of the Goldstein’s Customized Weekly Meal Plan + Shopping List

Please note: For some reason the link to Bon Appetit’s awesome Spicy Chickpea recipe is not working when you click or copy the URL from the PDF. Click here for the recipe.

Don’t forget to check in with Motherlode every morning this week (Sunday, September 7 through Friday, September 12) to get a step-by-step plan for the day, and a recap from the night before.

Have fun!

PS: First time here?


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I’m so excited for this menu (and shopping list)! Thank you so much for sharing, Jenny.
I am a longtime DALS reader, and I love your first cookbook. I’m looking forward to a child-free morning when I can stop by the bookstore and purchase Dinner: The Playbook. 🙂 Also, we LOVE the chicken Parm meatballs! I make those at least 1xweek since you shared them on Cup of Jo. Thank you!


Hi Jenny!
Loving loving loving my Kindle version of your new cookbook — however, this ‘boot camp’ has given me a kick in the pants to get moving! the grocery, list meal plan and recipes all in one place are marvelous! Last night chicken sausages, tonight apricot mustard glazed chicken and tomorrow is the whole wheat salad pizza. Wish my avocado would ripen more quickly!

Megan S

Loving the recipes and the overall style–these meals are doable, nutritious, and good!

But I’m a little disappointed about the asparagus not being included in the shopping list. The yogurt (for the chickpeas) isn’t included either! I was having fun organizing, printing the lists and grocery shopping, so it was disappointing to find out (like most weeks!) that I still didn’t have it all together.

It’s not the end of the world, and it’s sort of like how cooking always is, I suppose: you make do with what you have.


thanks for the feedback guys — Megan, just to explain, the asaparagus was added to the shopping list a few hours after the list went live, so I apologize if you missed the window. Hopefully you saw that I included a few other options on the Monday Plan for you and others who came home asparagus-less. As for the yogurt — it’s optional in the recipe. One of those things that if you have it, great, if you don’t, no sweat. In the end, it’s about improvising and making do with what you have and realizing that if you replace some broccoli for the asparagus, it’s still going to taste good, and the sun will still rise in the morning. It’s an important lesson for all cooks, not just parents cooking for a busy family.


Love this series! We did our shop this morning and had the burrito bowls for dinner (a hit with my 20-month old!). I can’t wait until my copy of the Playbook arrives from Amazon this week 🙂 A question: did the menu change? I feel like the first pdf I downloaded had pulled chicken sandwiches for dinner on Sunday? Or are there two separate plans? I’m confused.
