S’more Pie

Let me just say that I was not proud of my google history last Thursday — how exactly does one justify spending a solid 30 minutes on keyword searches like these:

homemade marshmallow fluff
marshamallow fluff from marshmallows
marshamallow fluff recipe
marshamallow fluff recipe using marshmallows
how to make marshmallow fluff without corn syrup

You get the picture. But I had a vision — and you’re looking at it right there in that picture. I was determined to find some sort of marshmallowy whip to finish off a chocolate pudding pie recipe that I could then call Smore Pie. And amazingly, all-powerful Google gave me nothing.

After picking up a strong what-am-I-doing-with-my-life vibe coming from her mother, Phoebe said to me: “Why don’t we just roast the marshmallows and put them on top?” With that one question she saved me an hour…and whatever dignity I had left.

S’more Pie
A note about this crust: It didn’t hold its shape very well and I think the reason is because I didn’t let it set long enough. Once the pudding is in, I recommend having it set in the fridge for at least a day. (I’d love to hear from someone who has found the definitive graham cracker crust.) Another note about this crust: the fact that it didn’t hold its shape very well didn’t really get in the way of enjoying the pie.

For crust:

9 whole graham crackers
1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
3 tablespoons (packed) golden brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350°F. Blend first 4 ingredients in processor until graham crackers are finely ground. Add butter and vanilla; process until moist crumbs form. Press crumb mixture onto bottom and 1 inch up sides of 9-inch-pie plate. Bake crust until deep golden brown, about 12 minutes. Cool.

For filling:

Make 1 box Trader Joe’s Instant Chocolate Pudding, which calls for 2 cups of whole milk. (Or your favorite) Pour into prepared crust. Let set in the fridge for a day if you can.

For marshmallow topping:

Roast marshmallows over the open grills as you normally would. Slide them on to the pie, spacing them so that each piece gets one marshmallow. (It’s very tricky to slice through a melted marshmallow.)

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I just found Torani (the people who make the flavored syrups that Starbucks uses) make a toasted marshmallow syrup. I wonder if you add that to whip cream it might work? Otherwise the real thing looks yummy!


Maybe you could also cover the pie with mini marshmallows (for better coverage) or large (for a more rustic look/feel) and then broil it for a minute or two to get the same effect without the roasting/sliding messiness?


I’ve been getting lost in my own foodie Google searches! Sometimes there can be diamonds in the rough! By the way, thank you for my bumper sticker!


holy crap. i’m making this. (i once toasted a marshmallow over a Bic lighter–a gas stove burner will be OK, right?) Also, Fluff brand marshmallow–from Lynn, MA, city of my birth–has fewer than 5 ingredients, which makes it Michael Pollan-approved “real food” in my book. Just saying.


What about a fluffy meringue on top?

(I know, I know, not marshmallow.)

Actually, not so far away from that is this recipe from Trophy Cupcakes (which are amazing, even in these overcupcaked times):

Oh, and as for the graham cracker crust, I like the Ina Garten one she uses for the frozen key lime pie (also amazing):

Please note that I am unlurking due to mention of desserts. Rad.


Have you ever made seven-minute frosting? It tastes very marshmallow-ey to me and might be a good substitute for marshmallow fluff.


Yum! I made this for memorial day and it was a huge hit. I added extra butter to the grams and it held together beautifully. I also used a chocolate cream pie for the inside (no Trader Joe’s in CO). As for the mallows, I covered the top with mini marshmallows and broiled it. They were a perfect golden brown and it even cut easily. Thank you for the idea! It wasn’t exactly healthy … but sometimes it’s worth the sacrifice. 🙂


If you ever find yourself in San Francisco, drive over the Golden Gate bridge to eat s’more pie at the Buckeye Roadhouse in Mill Valley. You will not be disappointed.
They make a great Manhattan also…
