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Anatomy of a Friday Night Dinner

By March 26, 2012October 2nd, 201316 Comments

Friday Night Spicy Chicken Sausages with Baked Beans and Kale Salad

1. Procure 6-8 good quality Italian-spiced chicken sausages.

2. Fry in a skillet for 10-12 minutes until brown and cooked through.

3. Pour wine.

4. While sausages are frying, chop up some kale into shreds. Toss with olive oil, tablespoon or two of chopped shallots, handful grated Pecorino, squeeze of lemon, salt, pepper.

5. Heat up some canned baked beans, preferably Bush’s original.

6. Serve everything with a dollop of whole grain mustard.

*PS: Iris is our dog. She’s not Hasidic. That was iphone’s autocorrect for “has gone.” Obviously.


  • Avatar Meg says:

    Looks yummy, but I must disagree on the beans. B+M vegetarian are the best- way better than Bush’s.

  • Avatar june says:

    Love this post. And I love how easy this dinner looks. We eat sausages all the time in our house and tell our toddler and 5yo that they are called “fancy hot dogs.”

  • Anna says:

    Dinner tonight. Thank you! (I’m also glad Iris is back.)

  • Avatar cianne says:

    I swear, even your most simple of meals inspire me.

  • jenny jenny says:

    Cianne — that’s the whole idea!

    Thank you!

  • Avatar cianne says:

    Yes and that’s what I love about your blog! I am reminded how easy it is each time I stop by! 🙂

  • Avatar Jessica @ Stay at Home-ista says:

    We recently had a similar interaction, except the sausages were done on the indoor grill, we needed beer, and the auto-correct changed “blue suv” to something indistinguishable as a word, so my husband was waiting at the train station for way too long looking for the other car!


  • Avatar brooke reynolds says:

    Glad we’re not the only ones who think a can of baked beans is a fine addition to a weekend meal..

  • Avatar Chris H. says:

    Love your Blog! A quick tip- if you DO break out the grill and want to do a can of beans, open said beans (remove paper lable from outside, if there is any) and place on grill… This gives them a nice, smoky, meaty flavor, and they never overcook! An old camping trick… Chris (from Houston)

  • kita says:

    Isn’t predictive text awesome? This does look like the perfect kind of Friday night dinner – and we always keep one or two cans of Bush’s on hand just for meals like these.

  • Avatar Libby says:

    That looks awesome. And love the text convo. We have many a messaging session that looks similar.

  • priscilla says:

    Since your dog is Hassidic you probably should not be having pork sausage,

  • Jenny Jenny says:

    Priscilla – that made me laugh. Good thing it was chicken.

  • Avatar Kendra says:

    What’s classier than celebrating your birthday with a Manhattan? Check the fridge for a refreshing, age appropriate treat.

  • The Open Suitcase says:

    Our CSA begins pickups next week. Let the kale parade begin! The simple preparation included in this recipe sounds delicious. Can’t wait to try it.

  • Avatar Jolie says:

    I love your blog! And I loved this post! And I wish Iris was Hasidic!:)

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