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Breakfasts of State Test Champions

By April 1, 20149 Comments

Not much we can do about Common Core at the moment, except make sure our State Test warriors are sent off this week with bellies full of healthy breakfasts. A few ideas for those of you in the same boat this spring:

Yogurt Parfaits – Lately we’ve been switching out the granola for Kashi 7-Whole Grain Nuggets (Kashi’s answer to Grape Nuts). Abby appreciates a good crunch.

Breakfast Cookies – Make a batch of these ahead of time and withdraw from the cookie bank all week long. {PS: Don’t tell them there’s quinoa in there.}

Fruit Smoothies – The classic. Definitely add some protein powder (or peanut butter or avocado) to give it some staying power.

Smashed Avocado on Toast – See yesterday’s post way at the bottom. I’m beginning to think there is no snack or meal problem that this does not solve  — it’s pulled its weight as a healthy afterschool snack, pre-soccer-practice not-quite-a-snack-not-quite-a-meal, quick weekend lunch, and now, as pre-State Test brain booster.

Andy’s Oatmeal with Fruit – It takes a little while to make, but the upside is enormous here. No chance anyone’s getting hungry halfway through reading comp with this in the gut.

Good luck everyone!


  • Avatar Jamie | Jamie's Recipes says:

    Perfect brain-boosting breakfasts. Alas, if only the breakfasts they provided for the majority of the students at our school looked even half as good.

  • Avatar linda says:

    My kids are 5 and 2, so still too young for state tests, but these recipes are still great ideas for breakfast. I had forgotten about the parfaite recipe which I know my two year old will probably love because she’s obsessed with yogurt even though a year ago she wouldn’t touch it. Go figure!

  • Avatar Jesse says:

    my son is starting to put up his nose at meal time, specifically breakfast so many thanks for these ideas. breakfast cookies could win anyone over!

  • Avatar Jennifer says:

    I always had to laugh when our school would call and tell us to make sure our kids got a “good night’s sleep and a good breakfast in the morning” since the MSAs were the next day! Like on all the other days of the year I was keeping them up all night and feeding them cigarettes and candy for breakfast! All joking aside, what a good list for breakfast..we get so stuck in a cereal and oatmeal rut all the time.

  • Avatar Leslie says:

    I had avocado on toast for lunch yesterday and breakfast today after reading your post. Thanks for a great (simple) idea. YUM!

  • Avatar M says:

    One of my standbys when my egg-hating kids need a hearty breakfast is french toast. The night before, whisk together 3 extra large eggs (or use 4 if you have smaller ones), 1 tablespoon half & half, and good pinch of salt. Poor into lasagna pan. Put in 4 slices of whole wheat cinnamon raisin bread. Let it soak for a minute, then flip the bread over. Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate overnight. The bread will soak up all the egg, and it takes no time in the morning to cook it up on the griddle. Serve with a smoothie and you have the breakfast of champions.

    Our smoothie recipe is: 1/2 cup OJ, 1 cup plain greek yogurt, 1 cup frozen mixed fruit (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries is what’s in the bag I buy), 1 banana, 1 small handful spinach. Blend well, makes 2 smoothies.

  • Avatar A Life From Scratch says:

    Ok – the avocado on wheat toast might just be the best thing I’ve ever heard…totally lean the salsa way!

  • Avatar Angela says:

    Just bought multigrain bread and avocado
    Can’t wait for them to ripen!

  • Avatar Tracy says:

    There’s the option to opt out of testing – but never opt out of a good breakfast! 🙂

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