Hey DALS readers! How are you liking Fave Five? Do you know it exists? Are you using it? Are you aware that we’re regularly updating the list of recommendations, so it is worth your while to check in at least once or twice a week? Let me know — we’re curious if the new feature has been helpful.
Update: Thank you all for your nice feedback here. I think the consensus is that you like the feature but tend to forget it’s there. Furthermore, you would like to be notified when it’s updated. From now on, when I update the list, I will let you know via facebook and twitter. So if you want the updates, be sure to like, follow, etc etc.
I love it in theory, but I do forget about it, especially since I read through rss. Maybe if you threw up a quick post every time it was updated, or even just a link in one of your regular recipes saying: “We updated the fab five!”
I do try to check it once a week or so, before a library visit (or if I’m on the hunt for a gift). Keep it up!
I love the list, but I also forget it is there a lot. A quick post or note that you have updated it would be great!
I follow through Google Reader so I don’t know when it’s updated. My kids have loved some of the suggestions though (Meanwhile! is a huge hit here).
I love it, but I do forget about it. I appreciate it when you mention it on facebook though! That usually sends me over to check it out. We have gotten some great book recs from there. My son loved Pierre, how had I not seen that book before?
I come here for food posts, not book posts so I don’t read them. Looking forward to your second book. 🙂
LOVE all book suggestions, as we have 5 voracious readers in the house, and I like to keep them busy with “meaty” suggestions. However, I read through Google Reader, so I forget to check in or don’t notice. Alerts would be helpful for us RSS folks!
PS — How often are you updating, and how do we find the past “Fave Fives” that we might have missed?
I didn’t know that it existed, but the books was a large reason that I started really following your blog in the first place.
I totally forgot about it, but do enjoy it.
I think it is great to get suggestions, but I only need them every once in a while, so this is a good way to have them when I need them, but not to clutter up my google reader when I don’t.
I love “FaveFives”. I am always on the lookout for new book ideas for my three young boys and I have gotten many great books from your postings. We are currently reading – thanks to your suggestion – “The Great Pie Robbery”. It’s a HUGE hit in our house.
I like the concept, though I don’t really look at them too closely as my children aren’t old enough for many of the books mentioned. But mostly, I had no idea you were updating the list. Have you considered other Fave Five categories? Grown up books? Songs? Cookbooks?
Please mention it on the food blog b/c I read on my google reader and haven’t seen some of these. I LOVE your book recommendations, almost as much as your recipes and food ideas!
I like it but forget to check unless you remind me. Then I’m not always sure which are new and which are the old ones… thanks
i don’t do more than skim them and look at the pictures. such pretty pictures!
i don’t have kids, but i keep the posts in the back of my head for when i have to get presents for kids that might like books. also, i really enjoy your daughters’ reviews. it’s really awesome that they participate in the blog!
I love fave five. The recommendations are right on with my 5 boys…I have actually pinned it to my book board and just reread it last week as the theme for our family draw this Christmas is books. *2 of the boys have just finished Hugo Cabret…excellent!!!
I would use it, in theory. But like many other readers, I use Google Reader and tend to forget to check anything that doesn’t show up there. I could use a reminder…
And yes, do you have an archive of the ones we’ve missed?
Love the fab five and your other book posts. Your recomendations have been well received by my children. I like how its just there on the sidebar but it would be really great if you could make an archive of past books as a refernece to go back to as not all the suggestions are relevant at the first time of reading.
I don’t really understand how to get it or read it, though I have liked it when you have shared the link…Can you re-post how to get the updates
Another vote for archived posts or something I can follow through Google Reader. Love the ideas and suggested ages!
I wasn’t aware that you were updating the list, especially because I read your blog through Google Reader. I’d love to keep up on your book posts though because we’re big readers around here.
I agree with the others–since I read your posts in my Google Reader, I don’t see the Fav Five link. I do enjoy reading about these fun kids’ books (I like to read them, then recommend them to my little cousins), so maybe you could do mini-updates about the Five that show up in people’s readers?
I also follow through google reader so could use a quick reminder when you update this list. I love the book recommendations, including guest posts. Please keep them coming!
I love it! I’m an elementary school librarian and have ordered quite a lot of your suggestions (and Phoebe’s graphic novel recommendations have seriously upgraded that section in our library). Oh, and the food posts aren’t bad either 😉