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Books, Gifts, Culture

Could Use Some Feedback

By November 18, 2011October 2nd, 201333 Comments

Hey DALS readers! How are you liking Fave Five? Do you know it exists? Are you using it? Are you aware that we’re regularly updating the list of recommendations, so it is worth your while to check in at least once or twice a week? Let me know — we’re curious if the new feature has been helpful.

Update: Thank you all for your nice feedback here. I think the consensus is that you like the feature but tend to forget it’s there. Furthermore, you would like to be notified when it’s updated. From now on, when I update the list, I will let you know via facebook and twitter. So if you want the updates, be sure to like, follow, etc etc.


  • Avatar Jen says:

    LOVE IT–as a mother of three voracious readers, I’m always looking for suggestions for good reads that other folks are enjoying. I agree with another commenter that a quick reminder would be fab!

  • Avatar Martha says:

    I love it! But – I might be missing something here – is there an archived list of previous recs?

  • Avatar Cay says:

    Love it, but didn’t realize it was being updated regularly. Thought it would just be a recurring post… my kids have liked a lot of the suggestions, thanks!

  • Avatar Carrie says:

    I love the fab 5 list. I have been looking at it regularly and even bought some of your suggestions. Thank you!

  • Avatar annie says:

    I too would like it to be mentioned via RSS. Because my kids are only 3, I don’t remember to check on my own.

  • Maria Peagler says:

    Love the Fab Five, but I have boys who are pre-teen and teen. We’re all voracious readers (especially since mom is an author), but we mostly read on Kindles now. We don’t live near a bookstore (rural mountain area) and our library is sadly lacking.

    Love your recipes, especially the Special Sauce. Use it on everything. Made the Mud Cake – was not a big hit here, unfortunately. Made recipe as cupcakes for my son’s birthday: kids loved them, but a bit on the mushy side.

  • Avatar Jilanna says:

    I love your book recommendations. Like many, I’m prompted to visit DALS by Google Reader so Fab Five isn’t the first thing I think of. If you could include a line in a post that Fab Five is up or set the RSS feed to include your Fab Five posts, that would be great. I would love to be able to look at an archive of Fab Five lists too. I hate to think I’ve missed anything.

  • Avatar Marie says:

    I love your book recommendations but I wish you would have an archived list of what has made it onto the Fave Five instead of just having things pouf off the list. My elder is just turned 6 and your older posts about books have been very useful to us (as I am sure your girls’ current choices will be in a year or two, if they are still there to be found).

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