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Friday Reading

By June 21, 2013October 2nd, 201311 Comments

June 21 has been circled in the girls’ calendars since last fall. You know where my Pixarheads are going to be as soon as their parents figure out a way to get them there.

I am about  as sick of the “Keep Calm and Carry On” parodies as the next person, but this one, printed on cocktail napkins really made me laugh. (Thanks, Bonnie!)

A 5-day menu-plan for Vacation House Cooking.

The learning from this: Weekend behavior is very unlike weeknights when it comes to cooking. And: Mothers are crazy.

The power of rituals.  (Thanks, Todd!)

A brand new blog for childrens’ books. (I think we must’ve grown up in the same house because our taste in books is identical.)

She believes in family dinner. She just can’t make it happen every night.

Always fun to hear what New York Times staffers are reading.

My summer reading, so far.

An absolute treasure trove of summer-ready ice cream treats, cheesecakes, pies, parfaits.

Have a great weekend!



  • Megan Anderson says:

    These links were AMAZING! Thanks for taking the time to curate such awesomeness that I would have never found on my own.

  • Avatar Nancy says:

    Thanks for the Motherlode post. Parenting by tapas–love it!

  • Avatar Kelly S. says:

    On the subject of vacation meals, I put together the corn and tomato salad in the DALS cookbook for a Father’s Day family BBQ last weekend. The dish received rave reviews from everyone! Thank you for the reminder that eating seasonally is so very delicious.

  • Gidgets Bookworms says:

    Great List I’ll be off reading them in a minute. Just wanted to share with you my Children’s book blog Gidgets Bookworms . I blog about books from board books to Young Adult. If you’d like check it out. I recommend all kinds of books and topics.

  • Avatar Susan says:

    Great links… I love Mrs. Little. What a find!

  • Avatar Jaqui says:

    Ha! Love the cocktail napkins. I definitely need to get me some of those! Thanks for the links and happy weekend!

  • Jan @ Family Bites says:

    Great list of links. I caught the rituals video earlier this week and loved it. Now I’m off to check out the vacation house cooking meal plan. Have a great weekend!

  • A Life From Scratch says:

    Those cocktails napkins made me laugh and I’m so with your girls on the Monsters movie! Can’t wait to take my son.

  • Debbie says:

    Thanks for the link to Mrs. Little’s book blog…love it!

  • Avatar Maria says:

    Thanks for the link to the Motherlode post. With three middle and high schoolers and two in elementary school, we are living that particular dream/nightmare. I loved “feeding our kids like hobbits”! It’s all about doing what we can and capturing the moments as they come.

  • Avatar Gina says:

    Thanks for all the links. Love that kids reading blog. Let us know how the summer reading is going!

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