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Friday Round-up

By February 1, 2013October 2nd, 201337 Comments

For me, it’s not Ravens vs. 49ers. It’s Queso Fundido (above) vs. Chips with homemade liquid Nacho Cheese Sauce.

In-restaurant Childcare? Now there’s an idea.

In honor of Schoolhouse Rock turning 40, I watched this 17 times yesterday. (“He even has the nerve to tax our cup of tea; To put it kindly, King, we really don’t agree” was the lyric on a continual loop in my brain from 2004-2006.)

Speaking of birthdays, Grand Central Terminal turns 100 today. Dad, I’ll meet you at the Oyster Bar!

How do I get my children to love me as much as Lena Dunham loves her mother? She goes deep with Alec Baldwin on Here’s the Thing.

Related: I don’t know how I ever made it through a workout without the Girls Vol 1 soundtrack. (Specifically tracks 1, 4, 9)

Aunt Trish visited us all the way from Hong Kong this week and arrived bearing a quintessentially NYC treat: Black & White cookies. I think we’re going to attempt them in our own kitchen this weekend.

Which reminds me that I need to replenish my Cacao Barry supply (especially with Valentine’s Day coming up).

Are trophies a waste of time? (You know what I have to say about that.)

Only bad thing about Luisa’s new series “Cooking for Hugo” is that it wasn’t around when I was feeding my own babies.

I want one.

For parents of George O’Connor crazies: Have you pre-ordered Poseidon?

For anyone looking for extremely pleasurable ways to spend an hour, check out this story about a pickpocket extraordinaire.

For anyone looking to spend an hour on an important piece of journalism, you can’t do much better than this.

If you’re in need of some good music to accompany your Super Bowl stromboli preparation, check this out.

Have a good weekend.

P.S. In case you’re wondering why everyone’s commenting about the Lodge cast iron skillet, it was featured as the giveaway in this week’s newsletter. To be eligible for the next freebie (and for the latest recipes, news, and DALS events) please sign up for my newsletter/mailing list.

Photo by Romulo Yanes for Bon Appetit.  It was part of a story I wrote on Hors D’oeuvres and starters back in October. 



  • Avatar Sarah says:

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

  • Avatar Liila says:

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

  • Avatar Rabbit Creek says:

    Queso Fundido, love it! Nothing like taking a traditional appetizer and giving it a fun new name!

  • Avatar nina says:

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

  • Avatar Brooke says:

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

  • Avatar emily says:

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

  • Avatar laura says:

    i am a newsletter subscriber . do i win the lodge cast iron skillet
    text for free at

  • Avatar Karen says:

    I love my bread crocks. Yes, I have two since a standard bread recipe makes two loaves and it actually takes me about a week and a half to eat both loaves(I live alone). They do take up some counter space but I’m glad I have them. No plastic! Better yet, was the price I paid: $19.99 each!

  • Avatar Ann says:

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

  • Avatar Kelly says:

    Friday Round-up = Fun. Thank you.

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

  • Avatar Rebecca says:

    re: childcare at restaurants… Aura in downtown Boston does a “Family Fine Dining” night where parents eat from a prix fixe menu and kids have one, too (they made my toddler a fruit and veg puree tasting menu!) as well as a side room with toys and activities. It is thoughtfully planned and well executed. I think it happens 1/month.

  • Avatar Eliza says:

    I made the Quick Pickled Jalapenos from the nacho cheese sauce recipe linked above. They are so easy to make and have a fresh taste and are still nice and crisp. So much tastier and cheaper that store bought pickled jalapenos. Plus, you can control the heat. If you don’t like hot chiles, only pickle the mild jalapenos, or leave out the seeds. I recommend them.

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