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Birthdays, Holidays, Celebrations

Halloween Giveaway

By October 20, 2016October 27th, 201694 Comments

So this is fun. For those of you who’ve picked up a copy of my book, a) THANK YOU and b) you might’ve ogled the Franks-n-Beans recipe which we have been known to scare up for our Halloween launch party (alongside a healthy selection of bourbon, of course).  In honor of the ritual and the season, longtime partner Applegate, maker of some of the best franks out there, has agreed to partake in a little giveaway contest. Comment below and tell me what you’ve made from the book (or hope to make from the book soon) to be eligible to win enough franks to throw a legit Halloween party and then some. One winner will be chosen and will win two packs of Applegate’s all-natural hot dogs (your choice), a copy of How to Celebrate Everything (if you already own, I will send to a friend), along with some freebie coupons and good old-fashioned Applegate swag. Contest ends on Sunday, October 23, 8:00 PM ET. Good luck! Update: The winner has been notified. Thanks to everyone for playing.

Photo by Chelsea Cavanaugh for How to Celebrate Everything.


  • Carol Ezovski says:

    I’d like to make the Apricot-Rum Glazed Ham

  • Avatar Kath the Cook says:

    I would like to try brisket

  • Avatar AJ says:

    Any and all baked goods!

  • gretchen fonda says:

    a friend of mine recommended your book because i was so frustrated making two meals every night-one for my kids and one for my husband and me. anyway, i have been so happy and my family too, with the meals i have made. one of our favorites is the turkey chili. my family adores chili, but in the past i have made a chili that took me about 2.5 hours with all the chopping and cooking. it was quite tasty, but i was tired of the lengthy preparation. then i made your turkey chili and VOILA! not only was it super easy to throw together, but it was DELICIOUS! thank you, thank you, thank you for making my life as a mama of 2 a whole lot easier and tasty for all 🙂

  • Kim says:

    I’m looking forward actually to the franks and beans on Halloween. I have a two year old. I also wrote down a lot of quotes for my bullet journal to keep me thinking about celebrating the daily, small stuff. I just love this book.

  • Avatar Kelly Reyes says:

    The brown butter apple pie sounds amazing 🙂

  • Avatar Amy Gibbs says:

    I love the book! I have made some pickled veggies. I’m planning to make the cold brew coffee. Just bought at french press!

  • Avatar JoAnne Winter says:

    Love, love LOVE Applegate and DALS! I already have the first two books and would be so excited to get the third. Plus, I have an absolute hot dog FIEND living in my house, so the dogs would be most appreciated.
    Happy Halloween y’all!
    – JoAnne and her trio of hungry ghouls

  • Avatar Elizabeth A. says:

    The Brown Butter Apple Pie sounds just perfect for this beautiful fall season!

  • Avatar Christina Simon says:

    My 13 year old son loves franks and beans. I’d love the book to make that and tons of other recipes you’ve created!

  • Avatar Mairen says:

    I am a lady who loves pie, and berries. Therefore, what isn’t to like about triple berry pie??

  • Avatar tessa says:

    we made the yeah its Wednesday cake (on Sunday. We are rebels.)!

  • Avatar Isa Blasio says:

    Your popovers are on my food project list, and your spicy shrimp tacos are on my dinner mixup list. Don’t know why but popovers always seemed so daunting I’m glad you included them!

  • Avatar Liss says:

    Rosa’s Mud Cake of course, and the franks and beans is on our list for Monday. Paired with cider and spiced rum for the grownups 🙂

  • Avatar bridgit says:

    pigs in a blanket for my son’s birthday party 🙂

  • Susie says:

    I have your first cook book, but don’t have this one yet. I just took a peek at the index, and apple cinnamon fritters sound so perfect for the lovely fall weather we’re starting to have in Tennessee right now!

  • Avatar Randee Donovan says:

    I didn’t get the book YET, but I know what we’re having for dinner Friday night- Franks-n-Beans with franks from our local butcher shop that makes some goooood stuff!

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