We Have a Cover!

…And, perhaps even more exciting, we also finally have an amazon link where you can pre-order our Time for Dinner cookbook. OK…how cool is that cover? I can call my own number here because I had absolutely nothing to do with it. Lia Ronnen at Melcher Media and Bonnie Siegler at Number 17 are the creative forces behind the design — as well as the 75 other cover tries that I am convinced, if decoupaged into shelf-liner, could make someone somewhere a million bucks. (Thanks, guys.)

In honor of this milestone, I’m giving you a recipe (tweaked a bit) that comes from one of my favorite chapters of the book. The chapter is a “starter kit” on feeding the baby called “What’s in it for me?”  where we show how to prepare basic fresh baby purees (avocado, sweet potato, bananas, etc.), then give instructions for how to take those purees and use them as the base for grown-up dishes. (So an avocado mash turns into taco topping, a peach puree is stirred into a Harry’s-style Bellini, you get the idea.) When we batted around ideas for grown-up-izing baby’s pureed sweet potato, Alanna, who wrote the section, suggested mixing in a miso butter with scallions. Apparently people knew about this combination? I did not, but let me just tell you, it’s a revelation — a revelation that my kids have come to like more than a plain sweet potato.

Sweet Potatoes with Miso Butter and Scallions (adapted from Time For Dinner)

2 whole sweet potatoes or yams
3 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons miso (white)
2 tablespoons chives or chopped scallions

Roast whole sweet potatoes at 450°F for 40 minutes. While they are roasting, mix together remaining ingredients. When potatoes are ready, slit them in half lengthwise, scoop out some flesh for the baby and mash with a fork.  Top the rest with miso butter. (For Abby, I scooped the flesh out of the skin and tossed it for her in a special bowl. Seemed to do the trick.)

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How thrilling! I’m LOVING your blog and looking forward now to the book. It’s nice to see that all the brilliance that was behind Cookie is showing up here and there in wonderful things we can all still enjoy. I hope all of you former Cookie editors/contributors/etc. continue to share your talents!


Congratulations! Love the cover and while I usually don’t buy very many books and tend to check them out at the library – this one is going to make the cut for our bookshelf. I can’t wait for it!

My 8 month old is proving to be a much better eater than my 5 year old and practically inhales her food. I just made up a batch of broccoli, chicken with cheese sauce for the baby and I ate a few spoonfuls myself. I could smear that stuff on bread and be a happy camper.


I’m on a miso kick right now and had one for lunch today. I almost had two for lunch today. This was awesome. Thanks so much–can’t wait to see the finished book!


that is one killer cover. and what a subtitle! (inside joke between me and andy. that i’m putting on a comment on your blog. what the???)

oh, also, thoughts on the beaba baby food cooker? we got it as a gift. it’s german so i assume it works perfectly. but can it really be very different from a blender?
