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QuickSides, Salads, SoupVegetarian

What Do You See?

By June 3, 2013October 2nd, 201331 Comments

Sometimes I fantasize about grocery shopping with my food heroes. I don’t mean Jamie Oliver and Marcella Hazan — though certainly I wouldn’t turn them down. I mean healthy, wholesome-minded moms like Alana and Jeanne. I have never even met these women, but based on their books and blogs, I feel certain that they’d make me see Trader Joe’s in a totally new and fresh way. (And that I wouldn’t end up with three separate white-bread products in my cart.) If I wore my Alana or Jeanne goggles before I went to the farmer’s market, I feel like I might actually come home with something outside my comfort zone, and as a result feel healthy and virtuous and heroic 24/7…just like them. (Right Alana & Jeanne?)

Well, in a way, I’ve done the next best thing: I’ve signed up for a CSA vegetable share with Stone Barns Center. Which is sort of like saying that I’ve signed up the girls for a soccer camp run by Alex Morgan. Stone Barns is an 80-acre farm in Pocantico Hills, NY that supplies Dan Barber’s restaurant Blue Hill at Stone Barns. Their mission, beyond growing ridiculously delicious vegetables, is to educate the public about sustainability, and to get people cooking their own food. The people know what they are doing, and I’ll be blogging for them to help spread the word.

Based on the emails I get from you guys (Summary: Why don’t you join a CSA? Why haven’t you joined a CSA? Have you thought about joining a CSA? What the heck is wrong with you that a food lover like you hasn’t joined a CSA yet?) it sounds like a lot of you know what this means. For those of you who don’t, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and in return for a modest investment in a farm, you receive a box of fresh, in-season produce from that farm for a set amount of weeks. The price varies depending on length of the program and the amount of produce in each delivery, but it can go anywhere from $20 a week and up to $50. (The one I signed up for is about $40, which is a little more than I drop at my farmer’s market every Saturday.) I don’t think I need to go into too much detail on why the whole thing is a win-win: It’s a great way to eat local on autopilot, to support farmers, and be part of something a little bigger than the four walls of my kitchen.

But the best part about it so far? Well, by definition, it means that someone else is picking out what my vegetable adventure for the week would be. Not Alana or Jeanne, but someone who, presumably, wouldn’t come home with mostly kale and beets all spring in spite of saying to herself before every trip to the farmer’s market, Let’s see if we can come home with something other than kale and beets today. Every week will be like I’m shopping with someone new — like I’m wearing someone else’s market goggles.

I guess you could say that I am forcing myself to accept the advice that I’ve been doling out to my kids ever since they could process English: Eat more vegetables. Try something new. How do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it? And I’m hoping you guys are up for the adventure, too. The photo above shows the vegetables that arrived in my first batch on Thursday afternoon and what my initial visions for each one was. But that’s seeing the box through my goggles. What about you? When you put on your market goggles, what do you see?

Clockwise from top left: Seared Tofu with Sauteed Cabbage and Sriracha (recipe below; Sriracha not shown); Grilled Chicken Salad for Everyone; Something I really really like the sound of: Kohlrabi-Carrot Fritters; and shredded Portugese Kale and diced kohlrabi get ready to be turned into slaw. (Recipe follows)

RECIPE 1: Kale Slaw with Pomegranates*
Portugese kale, which was the kind I got in the box, was much more tender than the Lacinato/Tuscan I’m used to. So it needed a little texture to balance out the floppiness. Enter Kohlrabi! Crunchy and fresh, it was the perfect hit of texture.


3 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 teaspoon brown sugar
salt to taste
1 teaspoon fish sauce (available at Asian specialty stores and better supermarkets)
lime juice from half a lime
1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger (crucial)
1 drop of hot sauce (or 1 tsp minced jalapeno or serrano chile)
1/3 cup neutral oil like grapeseed or vegetable oil

The rest: 

1/2 head of kohlrabi, peeled and diced into small pieces
handful of pomegranate seeds
kale, shredded as shown above (bottom left corner)

Whisk dressing ingredients together and toss with the remaining ingredients.

RECIPE 2: Quick-seared Tofu on Wilted Cabbage with Sriracha
I had this for lunch, so serving size here is one. Obviously, it can be doubled or quadrupled to work for your family. You know, since my recipes are so precise.

Add peanut or vegetable oil to a skillet set over medium-high heat. Dredge one  playing-card size slice of extra firm tofu (about 3/4 inch thick, pressed on paper towels under a heavy pan for about 20 minutes) in a little flour that has been sprinkled with Chinese Five Spice (optional) salt, and pepper. Add tofu to the pan and fry without poking until golden and crispy, about 3 minutes. Flip and repeat. Remove from pan. Turn heat down to medium add 2 tablespoons chopped onion, shake of red pepper flakes, 1/2 tsp fresh minced ginger (optional) and diced cabbage (“Minuet Napa Cabbage,” as it was called). Add a small drizzle of rice wine vinegar and soy sauce. A squeeze of lime. Taste and see how you like it. (You don’t want to overwhelm these already flavorful greens with strong flavors.) Cook until just barely wilted, about 1 minute. Serve with prepared tofu, a sprinkling of sesame seeds (optional), some snipped garlic chives (or regular chives) and a drizzle of Sriracha.


  • Avatar Francie says:

    I am truly grateful for all the radish ideas: pickling, braising, roasting…I roasted a few last night as a side for dinner and they were super. Thank you ALL so much!

  • Kate @ Savour Fare says:

    I should probably also add that I live in Los Angeles, where the markets are truly stellar and the CSAs are few and far between, for some reason.

  • Avatar Jessica @ The Desert Abode says:

    First off, I’m a new mom, and hence a new blog reader, and I’ve spent many happy hours catching up on what I’ve missed on DALS while nursing my baby the last 3-plus months (thank you, iPod). My husband got me your book for Mother’s Day and it’s my goal to get through it before my daughter’s first birthday (not much free time for offline reading these days, I’m afraid).

    I’m so excited to read about your CSA box adventures. We did one about a year ago (I blogged about it here: and it totally changed the way we ate. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

  • Avatar Frantzie Couch, Lawton, OK says:

    Love the “What do you see?” approach to produce shopping. Too often I end up with end-of-the-week produce I haven’t used yet and must come up with panic-driven meals to use it up. Better to plan ahead — as in most (but not all) of life!
    QUESTION: Andy’s Chicken Salad Sandwich (with bacon!) recipe calls for “3 halved large chicken breasts.” Does this mean 3 whole breasts, halved, or just 3 halves?
    Thanks for your inspiration and good sense approach to feeding a family, and to LIFE!

  • Avatar Susan says:

    Good luck with your CSA – I’m sure it will be wonderful coming from Stone Barns. I have to say that our CSA experience wasn’t that great… we had so so produce (the weather wasn’t great) and either too much of something or not enough for the whole family. I ended up having to go to the store just as often and really missed picking up my veggies and fruits at the farmer’s market. I guess for a type A person who likes control!

  • Avatar Ingrid says:

    I won’t deny we have the best case scenario… We have been members of the same CSA for 10 years. In our original neighborhood, the weekly delivery cam in a box. Then we moved and since we were essentially the only CSA at their other market, we get to choose roughly what goes in our box- so it we are maxed on 10 lbs of potatoes we can sub in with a few apples.. Love supporting our farmers 😉

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