Kids’ Books on DALS

Hold on a sec, you might be saying. I thought this was a website about family dinner. And it is. But it’s also a website about what gets talked about at family dinner, and books are a big part of our lives, so we end up writing about them a lot here. You can find a rotating list of recommendations on Fave Five (updated weekly-ish), but you can also find a pretty deep catalogue of book reviews, for all different age groups, in our archive.

A Starter Library Kit (or books to buy your friend who just had a baby)

Phoebe’s Kid Graphic Novel Picks, Part 1

Phoebe’s Kid Graphic Novel Picks, Part 2

Phoebe & Abby’s Kid Graphic Novel Picks, Part 3

George Saunders’ Book Picks for Kids

Q&A with David Sedaris

Lemony Snicket’s Book Picks for Kids

John J. Sullivan’s Book Picks for Kids

Pseudonymous Bosch’s Book Picks for Kids

Start a Summer Book Club

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My son read The Giver this summer and really liked it. We always like your recommendations!


Utterly Me was one of my favourite books as a child, speaking only just now reaching adulthood.
Lovely blog

Candace Spencer

I hope the Skippy Jon Jones books made an appearance on your lists. I have such fond memories of reading them with my grands and having them chorus, “My name is Skippito Frijito….”

Aunt Candie


Have you read any of the Skippyjon Jones books by Judy Schachner? My sister told me about them since I love cats, children and great children’s literature!! (I’m a retired teacher.) I picked up three of this author’s many books about scrappy little Skippyjon Jones and I am in love with this little cat!!!!!


Jenny – I follow a blog (Bottom Shelf Books) that linked to your guest post from George Saunders in 2007. I am so thrilled to discover your website! Unfortunately, I started reading it before I had breakfast and had to contain myself to your kid’s book posts since my stomach started rumbling. But I definitely love your (and your kids’) taste in books. I was a longtime kid’s bookseller and work for a literary agent now, and have had a book review blog since 2008. After reading George’s quote and post, I decided to share it on my blog ( along with a shout out to you, your book, your blog and your great taste in kid’s books. Can’t wait to read more of your recipes when I am less hungry.
