Friends! News! I’d like to introduce you to my next book, The Weekday Vegetarians: Get Simple, which will be published in August, and is available for pre-order as of TODAY. How badly do you want to eat the cover? Here is a brief list of the kind of people who might enjoy Get Simple: Busy people. Smart people. Meat-loving people… Read more »

In the elevator this morning, I ran into my neighbor, a mom of two young kids, who immediately said “I’m so glad the city canceled school, it’s miserable out there!” I nodded in agreement, even though I had zero idea that school had even been canceled. It’s been so long since I’ve had to think about snow days! I will conveniently gloss… Read more »

Chicken-Tofu Tsukune

I’ve been a Weekday Vegetarian for over five years and though now it feels easy, a lot of that is because I’m not cooking for my college-age children on a daily basis anymore. When I was just getting started, with younger kids who weren’t always, shall we say, receptive to the plan, I remember how much I appreciated coming across a recipe… Read more »

Thirteen years ago, here on The Blog, Andy wrote about “fish presents” after discovering that the recipe was a sneaky way to market the meal to young seafood skeptics. This is how he described the dinner back in 2010, when our daughters were 6 and 8: Our latest venture in rebranding involved the kind of intimidating-sounding fish en papillote, which is… Read more »

Greetings to my dear eaters and readers. I hope you all had joyful and meaningful holidays however you celebrate. I write this first newsletter of 2024 with a deeply heavy heart — my father, Ivan Rosenstrach, died on December 25, 2023. His life was rich with family and community and friendship and we spent the last week of the year… Read more »

Greetings eaters and readers! I went through my Google doc notes from last Christmas (in our old house 😭😭), and forgot how organized I was — links or print-outs for every recipe, a shopping list, a game plan, and even notes written to my 2023 self with ideas for what I can do better. (Omg the pressure!) We are relatively… Read more »