Search Results for: onion

Honey-Harissa Beans, Quick Pickles, Inspire Us

Like most of you, we are trying to go as long as possible without going food shopping, and part of that is getting a regular delivery from Baldor every 10 days or so. Once we get to Days 9 and 10, which is where we are right now, it becomes all about stretching out what we have and cooking down… Read more »

Stromboli, Scrambled Eggs, Family Dinner

Greetings on this April Monday. I hope everyone had at least one beautiful spring day like New York had yesterday — 65 degrees and blue sky. I had grand ambitions for organizing the basement, but ended up outside all day, reading/breakfasting/lunching on the patio, running, hiking a local trail along the Hudson River. And I’m A-OK with that! We visited… Read more »

Slice-n-Bake Cookies, A Big Wheat Berry Bowl, A Normal Day

Good morning. Today marks five weeks of our family’s quarantine — always feels good to hit that milestone. To celebrate, we plan on kicking things off with a classic Tom Collins cocktail, which I was reminded about on this week’s episode of the Bon Appetit foodcast. Two things I’m pumped about watching this weekend: Season 3 of Fauda (please please… Read more »

Fried Rice, Grandma’s Biscotti, Board Games

Hello and welcome to Wednesday. Yesterday Andy cut Abby’s hair (he’s the “detail guy” in the house); I tested some cabbage recipes and made a style guide for my book; and I think I saw my 18-year-old for a total of five minutes. (She was holed up in her room or outside riding her bike.) For bedtime reading, I took… Read more »

Baked Pasta, Bok Choy, More Birthdays

Happy Monday, Team Quarantine. Hope you all had healthy weekends and Easter Sundays. Yesterday, I drove across the county to my parents’ house to say hi from the curb and drop off some flour and sugar. (That’s my mom pictured. She’s baking a birthday cake for her grandson, my nephew. Happy Birthday Owen!) I also went for a run in… Read more »

Roast Chicken, Granola, Face Masks

Good morning, Everyone. Welcome to what is our Week 4 of Quarantine Living. Maybe it’s longer or shorter for you, but wherever you are in the X-ing off of days, I hope you and your families are healthy and holding up OK. Our weekend was blissfully boring in that respect: We vacuumed and mopped the house; set up our patio… Read more »

What Should I Make Next? Your Quarantine Recipe Index

Happy Friday, Everyone. Tonight, we’re celebrating getting through three weeks of quarantine with a classic comfort food dinner: Roast Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, and a peanut-y kale-cabbage slaw I’ve been meaning to test for my next book. We’ve been trying to think of something to do this weekend that might differentiate a weekend day from a weekday day. (A 10-mile family… Read more »

Egg Salad, Cuban Beans, a Book for Right Now

Hi everyone, I hope your weekend was ok. Highlights from mine: I changed all the sheets on our beds; had Zoom cocktails with some friends and Andy’s brother’s family; and my newly permitted 16-year-old, who was only driving in the train station parking lot a week ago, drove us 12 miles across the county to visit my parents and sister’s… Read more »

Frittata, Apple Pie, Book Talks

Good morning, Team! Yesterday I went for another run in Rockefeller State Park, and saw my first bluebird of spring building her nest in a mounted house. Then I came home and read this tweet: “After 130 years the rarest and thought-to-be extinct dwarf kingfisher was photographed in the Philippines living her best life. Shout-out to Miguel David De Leon… Read more »

Crepes, Tofu Bowls, Video Diary

Greetings, DALS family. I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve gotten the nicest notes since I launched the PPP series, and I wanted you to know a) how grateful I am for this community and b) how therapeutic it is for me to produce helpful (read: distracting) content, however Groundhog Day that content is beginning to sound. On that note, yesterday… Read more »

Chicken Noodle Soup, Blondies, FaceTime Dates

Greetings everyone. Just came back from a 3.5-miler. I used to listen to The Daily during my morning run, but in the interest of anxiety management, I’ve decided to give myself the 30 minutes to listen to music instead. Otherwise, I’m literally connected to the news cycle all day long. (Note: As hard as it is to listen to, I… Read more »

Pancakes, Pizza, Art Class

Good morning! Hope everyone is doing OK. Over the weekend, we took Abby for driving lessons again; hiked (a four-miler up the River and my go-to); threw a FaceTime party with my brother, parents, and sister to celebrate her birthday; and dropped off bagged lunches for an NYC sandwich drive. Andy hasn’t been able to get to his NYC barber… Read more »

No-Knead Bread, Quinoa Bowl, Pizza Relief

Good morning, good morning, good morning, Friends. Yesterday, I went for an early run, a pre-dinner walk, and in between made pancakes, wrapped up a deadline, and attempted to teach my newly permitted Abby how to drive in the local college parking lot. Phoebe went for a bike ride pretty much all day long, and after dinner the two of… Read more »

A Veg Chili, An Easy Pudding, A Book Club

Greetings Quarantine Friends. Yesterday, I went for a run, made a batch of pudding, walked the dogs at Rockefeller State Park, and spent an hour re-reading the vegetarian cookbook I’ve been writing. It was like finding an artifact on an archeological dig, written in a language I only partly understood. (Good thing I have some time to work on that.)… Read more »

A Curried Lentil Bowl, a Dutch Baby, a Podcast Open Call

Welcome to Day 3 of Pantry, Project, Purpose. Thank you for all the nice notes and comments. Yesterday, instead of heading to my favorite coffee shop like I usually do, I made myself a pour-over, then spent the morning working on a freelance assignment. Later, I made a batch of tomato-bean soup; donated $$ to my local food bank; walked… Read more »

A Soup, A Pound Cake, a Novel

Greetings from Quarantine Day 2. Yesterday felt like another one of those days where switches flipped all across the country, when people started taking the #stayhome orders more seriously, including my children. I went for a run, tested a vegan Caesar dressing recipe for my book, took the dogs for a walk, and made the famous Sarah Keiffer pan-banging cookies…. Read more »

Project, Pantry, Purpose

I’ve been staring at my screen all weekend, struggling to find the words to meet this moment. Mostly, of course, I hope you are all doing your best to stay healthy and, however possible, check in on the people in your lives and communities who are most at-risk. So far, the hardest part on our end has been convincing the… Read more »

See You on Sunday

There are many factors I consider when measuring the success of a cookbook, but ultimately, there’s only one that really matters: Does it get you into the kitchen? In my mind, I don’t care who wrote it or how trendy the recipes are — if it convinces you to cook, it’s worthy of a James Beard Award. If it inspires… Read more »