Search Results for: onion

Chicken Pot Pie

Before we started Operation Less Meat in my house, we’d have this pot pie for dinner all. the. time. It was one of the first things I made in my very first NYC apartment decades ago, and I basically just never stopped. I keep trying to make it more vegetable forward, as they say, but I just haven’t landed on something… Read more »

Cooking in Someone Else’s Kitchen

Thank you all for the Seattle restaurant recommendations. As predicted, I didn’t get a chance to explore as much as I usually do on these kinds of trips. Other than a quick hop to Fremont Bowl to eat salmon poke bowls and what I think is maybe the best tofu on the planet, we cooked and ate in. I should… Read more »

Quick Dinner Dispatch

I’m off to Seattle this morning but felt an overwhelming urge to download some random recent dinner discoveries for you as I sit at Gate 1 in JFK’s Terminal 7. (Don’t you hate it when that happens?) For starters: Due to popular demand, I created a highlight for the mushrrom-farro recipe I posted on instagram stories last week. (Note to… Read more »

Single-Serve Stuffing Cups

Last fall, my friend Kate and I were driving north on the Saw Mill Parkway in New York when she started talking about the meals she makes for her 9-year-old son. “He’s vegetarian-ish,” she said, “but not vegetarian, so I make him really basic things.” Like what? I asked. “Oh, like lentils in bone broth, cheddar-corn pancakes with buttermilk and… Read more »

My Mini Food Processor: A Love Story

There was a time in my weeknight cooking life when, if I came across the phrase “In your food processor…” in a recipe, I would automatically turn the page. Who in his or her right mind would want to lug a small appliance out of the upper cabinets when they were on the clock for feeding hungry kids? And who… Read more »

The Secret to Good Vegetable Stock

One of the more satisfying things about roasting a chicken is the aftermath, when I’ve picked every piece of meat off its bones, laid down the jus-slicked roasting dish for my lucky, licky dogs, and then plunked a big Dutch Oven on the stovetop, ready to receive the carcass for a rich and hearty stock. Sometimes I’ll make that stock… Read more »

Friday Eating & Reading

Happy Weekend, Everybody. Two new things. As of today, I’m going to be sending out this trusty Friday round-up in newsletter form — so if you’d like it delivered straight to your inbox, be sure to submit your email in the sign-up box up in the upper right corner. Next, I’m introducing a new feature, “Book Dispatch,” which will be… Read more »

Friday Eating & Reading

What we’re reading and eating this week: How to Cook for Every Back-to-School Meal, by yours truly. I’m late on this one, but if you missed Stephen Colbert on WTF talking about faith, sci-fi, depression, joy, all interspersed with recitation of poetry and Shakespearean sonnets, please listen immediately. My kind of anniversary gift. (How sweet is that?) Everyone I know is… Read more »

Anatomy of a Summer Sunday Dinner

4:00 Drop off daughter at camp in Western Mass; settle in for 3-hour drive home. 4:15 Realize the kitchen waiting for us is basically cobwebs. We have no fresh food except possibly half a red onion. 4:17 Pull over at first farm stand we drive by (I see you Pioneer Valley!); pick up 3 ears corn, a bag of sugar… Read more »

Three No-Recipe Recipes

A few weeks ago I headed to Park City, Utah for a mini reunion with my college roommates, where the seven of us spent a long weekend hiking, eating, and hard-core hanging. One night, as my Seattle friend Jenn and I were putting together dinner for the crew (salmon salad, naturally, plus a version of Samin’s cauliflower) when my San Francisco friend, Cara… Read more »

Concessions of a Vegetarian Cook

I’ve been pretty good about sticking to the Weekday Vegetarian plan ever since issuing the official decree in our house back in October. What’s been surprising is that the girls have been great too, even though I have all sorts of plans in place (including a bag of drumsticks frozen individually in their marinade) to supplement their meals when I… Read more »

What’s Everyone Making this Summer?

We are nothing if not creatures of habit in my house, so when people come over for dinner in the summer, we generally fall back on the same rotation of old reliables — vongole, picnic chicken or steak or chops on the grill, surrounded by a ton of market salads and a cobbler for dessert — and save the more adventurous cooking… Read more »

Grilled Shrimp Salad with Pickled Vegetables

Summer has arrived a little early in my house — as usual, we are spending spring break down in Kiawah, South Carolina at my in-law’s place, and it has not taken us long to get into vacation rhythm. That goes for the bike riding and general sun-lizarding, but mostly I’m talking about dinner-making, which is to say grilling. Why do I… Read more »

My Favorite Kind of Text Exchange

Andy: Office is closing early. Be home by 3:00. Me: OMG. CAN YOU PLEEEEASE MAKE DINNER TONIGHT? Andy: What do we have? Me: I bought ingreds to replicate that tofu wheat berry salad we had at Honeygrow last week Andy: OK, done Me: YASSSSSSSS. Be home by 6:00. Can you also do the track carpool? 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 Loaded Wheat Berry Salad with Tofu and Pickled Peppers Serves… Read more »

Faking It

Today I am delighted to cede the floor to my dear friend and mother-of-three Naria Halliwell. Astute readers might remember her as the first person to convince me to eat raw kale or the one who media-trained me for my first television appearance so many moons ago. (Fun fact: I was her very first client and now she’s coaching VIPs… Read more »

Start with Frozen Beans

I’m writing this on a Friday around lunch having just made two bowls of what you’re looking at above, one for me and one for Andy, who is working from home. I made it for him because he was like Remember the green beans and egg thing you made last time I was working from home? Damn that was good. And… Read more »

New Twist on an Old Favorite

I know what you’re thinking: Please, Dear Lord let this not be another butternut squash soup recipe. I’m sorry to say that it is, but but but but…please stay awake! Because I think you’ll be happy about this particular version: A curried butternut squash soup boosted with coconut milk. The google search for “butternut squash soup with coconut milk” will… Read more »