Search Results for: onion

Can You Cacio That?

At least one morning during the school week, some time between 11:00 and 11:30, my daughter, Abby, a 12th grader who has spent her final year of high school almost entirely in a remote classroom, comes downstairs in her flannel pajama pants, stretches, looks at whichever parent is first in her line of vision with fluttery eyelids, and says: “Cacio?”… Read more »

Braised Beans with Burrata

I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to tell you about these beans. Maybe it’s because it’s one of those recipes that’s not really a recipe, which is, of course, the best kind of recipe. Every time I make them, I text someone a photo saying, you have to make these beans. Then I follow up with the “recipe,”… Read more »

Small-Scale Thanksgiving, Stock, Nutella-Berry Muffins

Good morning! I just listened to Samin & Hrishikesh’s Thanksgiving podcast on my walk to get coffee, and realized that I’m officially excited about the holiday — the cooking part at least. With one kid returning from college in the Midwest, the actual sit-down feast is not going to happen — at least not how we are used to seeing… Read more »

My New Favorite Bowl

Not that Halloween was very much of anything for the kids this year, but at about 5:30 on October 31, Abby, outfitted in a Walter White costume that involved a white mini skirt, announced she was heading out to some kind of outdoor get-together. Did you have dinner? I asked her. Nah, she said. There’s gonna be candy. She’s 17…. Read more »

Stews for Around the Fire

Here in New York, we’ve been willing the universe to make fall last as long as possible because, as Andy says every single morning in ominous, Game-of-Thrones-like tones, winter is coming. In normal years, I don’t usually care that much. Cold weather is the season of cozy food — braised meats, red wine, warm-your-bones stews, and friends and family around… Read more »

Orzo-Forward Soup, Maple-Miso Delicata Squash, Vote Early

Good morning. Hope you are all hanging in there. Last weekend was a good one — we spent a sunny sweater-and-Birkenstocks kind of day in lovely Rhinebeck, NY where we had lunch at Bread Alone and did a short beautiful hike (above). On the hour-and-half drive there, I was able to attend my college friend’s daughter’s bat mitzvah in Chicago,… Read more »

Back-to-School, Fresh Tomato Pizza, JFK Bio

Hello friends! Hope you are well — before I begin, can I just say how thankful I am that you are here reading? Do I tell you that enough? I am so grateful for this space, I think more grateful than I have been in the ten years I’ve been writing. Thank you! Thank you especially to those of you… Read more »

Pantry Pasta, Fruit Cobbler, Gin & Tonic in a Can

Good morning! Tomorrow we are heading up to Maine for eight days, which I tell you for two reasons. 1) I will most likely not be posting here next week (instagram, another story) and 2) Today’s PPP entry is dedicated to my favorite kind of cooking — using up every possible perishable item in the fridge pre-vacation. Before I get… Read more »

Six Random Things

Good morning! I interrupt the Project Pantry Purpose series to bring you a bunch of things that don’t necessarily fall neatly into the usual categories, except for this galette, which I wrote about yesterday over at Cup of Jo. DALS loyalists already know it’s my favorite can’t-mess-it-up-no-matter-how-you-try dessert. Here are five more completely random items (including one plea for help)… Read more »

A Summer Spaghetti, Limeade, Book Recs

Good morning. Yesterday we got some good news from school: Cuomo cleared the way for “limited graduations” to proceed after June 26, so there will be an in-person ceremony for my daughter’s senior class. We are thrilled. In other news, I spent yesterday rewriting the intro to my book (again); I started an assignment that I’ve been putting off for… Read more »

Maque Choux, Pinwheel Cookies, Black Women in Food

Welcome back to the Project, Pantry, Purpose series, everyone. I hope you all had a safe, enlightening week. My family attended a local protest (above) this past Sunday which reinforced all the lessons I’ve been learning over the last few weeks, and, to be clear, learning way too late. The big takeaways for me, though, as it relates to what… Read more »

The World’s Best Beans, Smoothies, Cereal Necklaces

Good morning and welcome to Thursday. Yesterday I wrote recipe headnotes for a chapter of my book. (Headnotes are the little descriptions that introduce the recipe, or tell a story, or give some context and instruction); I went for a long walk; I started a novel I was assigned to review. Lastly, the unsettling news from Minneapolis and Central Park… Read more »

Salad Rules, Quiche, More Grad Info

Good morning. Wednesdays are always a little brighter for me because it’s usually the day Bon Appetit comes out with its newest podcast episode, so I can block out the world for a little while and listen to my favorite food people go deep on, say, Chicken Parm. It’s also the day I write about food over at Cup of… Read more »

Snacking Cakes, Paper Planes, Painting Cans

Good morning, Troops. Yesterday I got to interview the legendary Deborah Madison about her upcoming memoir and the history of the vegetarian movement. One thing that surprised me: She is obviously a vegetable lover, but she’s not actually a vegetarian. (Her reply “That’s why I wrote the book!”) In other exciting news, I also scored more than one four-pack of… Read more »

Broiled Caesar, Mushroom Toasts, Commencement 2020

Good morning! Hope you are all healthy and staying somewhat sane. Yesterday I decided I needed a day of nonstop productivity. I know we’re supposed to be giving ourselves more leeway on things and practicing self-care and all that, but after living with myself for this many decades, I know that manic bursts of getting sh*t done is my most… Read more »

Chopped Charred Broccoli, Bolognese, Doorstep Gifts

Greetings! Yesterday was a good day. It was my birthday and I got exactly what I asked for: Sunshine, blue sky, good health. (Plus a few delicious things I didn’t ask for; more on that below.) I had a zoom cocktails with my parents and siblings (that’s my twin brother in the lower right zoom frame); heard from well-wishers near… Read more »

Fried Potatoes, Pot Pie, Charlotte

Good morning. I hope everybody had a nice weekend. We took advantage of the nice weather on Saturday and went on a few long walks; visited my parents and sister again across the county; had gin & tonics (wayyyy) across the patio with family friends. (They BYO’d their G&Ts, adding a splash of Campari to make them pink, which I… Read more »

Egg Roll in a Bowl, Kale Salad, Angels

Six weeks as of today, April 24. Six weeks! I’m not sure what it adds up to exactly, but it’s a milestone nonetheless! On this rainy Friday, I’m pleased to wrap up the week’s content with a little help from Bean. (So meta!) Yesterday I ran in a state park, talked to my college friend on the old-fashioned telephone, video’d… Read more »