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A Very Big Day

By June 5, 2012October 2nd, 201360 Comments

So, in case you haven’t heard, today is the day Dinner: A Love Story is officially on sale.  When you pick up your copy, the first thing I’d like you to do is turn to The Acknowledgments on page 299. There are a lot of people mentioned in those pages — as my editor said when she received my first draft of the section, “This should be it’s own book!” — because there were a lot of people who helped make this happen in both small ways (picking up my kids at school when I was in the middle of shooting a pork chop: Annie!) and huge (producing a masterful Dinner: A Love Story Book Trailer: Ed!) But you will see that the very first thank-you goes out to you guys, my loyal dinner-making, book-reading, thoughtful-comment-writing Dinner: A Love Story readers. It’s hard to overstate how much your support these past few years has meant to me and how much I appreciate all those heartfelt emails I receive on a daily basis — the ones that Andy mentioned last week and which, half the time, come with the subject head “Thank you.”

Well, now it’s time for me to say thank you.  Over the last few months I’ve been collecting gifts that fit with the general philosophy of this blog — pots and pans and cooking classes and a week of free dinners and kids’ books and crazy cool lunchboxes and some of the most delicious chocolates you will ever eat. So it’s only fair that today, the day Dinner: A Love Story is published, you guys get the chance to win them. All you have to do is click here to check out the prizes, answer one simple question (what part of the book resonated with you the most?), and follow the instructions on that page for how to proceed. (Please do not leave your “resonant moment” in this comment field. Again, go here!)

You have until July 6 to enter. Good luck!

And: Thank you.

Jenny, Andy, Phoebe & Abby

Split-personality pizzas: Everyone goes home happy. Pizza recipes begin on page 266.

My Dinner Diary in early 2005, when the girls were 2 and 1. Notice all the freezer and takeout dinners.

All photos above by Jennifer Causey for Dinner: A Love Story. Cover design by Allison Saltzman.


  • Elsa says:

    Congratulations! I’m tickled to scroll down and see the two-topping pizza, because that’s exactly what I admire about your style: the emphasis on sharing the table, however you can make that happen.

  • Avatar Andrea says:

    Congratulations!!! I can’t wait for mine to arrive. Its like the birth of a child and this time there are no sleepless nights in your future!!

  • Avatar Natalie Thompson says:

    Felicidades!! Just ordered mine off of Amazon. Oh, happy day!

  • Avatar 654carroll says:

    but also: look at all the pasta on that right-hand page. those were the days…

    am headed to stoop right now, so i can bird-dog the corner, waiting for the UPS truck to make its turn. (What can Brown do for me? Deliver my GD DALS book already, that’s what.)


  • Avatar juliana says:

    Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our book budget is less than zero, but I’m SO EXCITED that our local library has ordered a few copies, so I’m in line at least. 🙂 [And also, I think it is pretty cool that 5 other DALS readers already requested it before I did — in my own county!]

  • Avatar Ann says:

    I’ve never bought a book on the first day before – so exciting! And its so good!! I’ve only skimmed through quickly. Can’t wait to take my time to read each & every word.

    Huge congrats!!

    Btw, the poor cashier got quite an earful from me when she admitted she had no idea who you were or what the book was about. Crazy right?

  • Ali says:

    My copy just arrived on my doorstep. Congratulations!

  • Avatar Julia says:

    The book is awesome. It’s like a funny book book, with amazing recipes and serious inspiration. I started it tonight, while my 3 yr old ate bagel bites. Thanks for writing it!!

  • Avatar Blair says:

    I am looking forward to my copy coming soon! One of my “back pocket” recipes is your Kale, Bean & Sausage stew. I seem to always have Kale in the garden and find it easy to throw together on a rainy, cool day. Congratulations!!!!

  • Avatar KimP says:

    so exciting!!! i was lucky enough to receive some money for my birthday, and guess what i bought! 😉 i was going to go the amazon route, but realized i wanted to support my local bookstore as well as ‘local’ family (hey, NH & Brooklyn aren’t that far apart…) Three cheers to happy cooking!

  • Carlinne @ Cook with 2 Chicks says:

    I bought 2 copies of DALS today. One for me and one for my friend, Kim. We have already texted back and forth about how we love it! Thanks : )

  • Gretchen says:

    My copy came in the mail today while my kiddos and I were out. I saw the UPS truck coming from far away and knew what awaited!
    The intro was wonderful and even…captivating? Odd to think that about a cookbook, but you had me cheering for your friend from my little world! I also laughed aloud at “So that’s how she manages to read the NYT every freaking day, cover to cover!” Congrats !,

  • Avatar Molly says:

    My copy arrived today and it looks FANTASTIC. I can’t wait to spend a big chunk of time with it. Congratulations!

  • Avatar Stacie Standifer says:

    Cannot wait to get my copy!

  • Hannah says:

    Congratulations Jenny! Make sure you take a moment to stop and smell the roses 🙂

  • Katie says:

    I left work on time today so that I could come home, open my box from Amazon, and start reading! So very excited and looking forward to making my way through it! Congratulations on a wonderful book!

  • Avatar Deirdre says:

    Congrats! I have your bumper sticker on my fridge, so seeing a photo of the same sticker in another kitchen made me feel like I was included in the book too:)

  • Avatar Li says:

    Today the postman woke me up at 9 AM (i don’t do before 11 very well. also: no kids, no husband, so i can hehe) with an amazon box. usually i open the door, get the box, toss it somewhere and go back to bed. but it was the long awaited book! so straight to a chair with a big cup of coffee i went. thanks so much for this book! love it!

  • Avatar Lynn BB says:

    Loved my first pass through the book! Congratulations!

  • Avatar Melanie says:

    Congratulations to your family on the book! I love the blog, but must admit I am a fan of the sauce stained pages of my cookbooks – excited to add yours to the rotation.

  • Avatar Kate says:

    Congratulations! I am so excited to start reading.

  • Avatar Essie says:


  • Avatar Mary says:

    Congratulations! I got my copy last night, poured myself a gin and tonic after the kiddos were in bed and read 150 pages! My husband got annoyed because I kept interrupting him to read a passage…it just sounds so much like my hectic life! Thanks for taking the time to document, can’t wait to try some of the new recipes.

  • Avatar Ada-Marie says:

    Congratulations on your very big day! I have pre-ordered a copy from Amazon and I can’t wait to dig in (pun intended!). Best wishes for a smashing success!

  • Avatar Sarah says:

    My book just arrived and it was a bad idea to have it delivered to the office. I just keep getting sucked in. We’re in the middle section (19 month old). This website has been a god-send (mustard pretzel chicken!) and this book is fabulous – I need to go hide it in my car so I can get some work accomplished today. Thank you.

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