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A Very Big Day

By June 5, 2012October 2nd, 201360 Comments

So, in case you haven’t heard, today is the day Dinner: A Love Story is officially on sale.  When you pick up your copy, the first thing I’d like you to do is turn to The Acknowledgments on page 299. There are a lot of people mentioned in those pages — as my editor said when she received my first draft of the section, “This should be it’s own book!” — because there were a lot of people who helped make this happen in both small ways (picking up my kids at school when I was in the middle of shooting a pork chop: Annie!) and huge (producing a masterful Dinner: A Love Story Book Trailer: Ed!) But you will see that the very first thank-you goes out to you guys, my loyal dinner-making, book-reading, thoughtful-comment-writing Dinner: A Love Story readers. It’s hard to overstate how much your support these past few years has meant to me and how much I appreciate all those heartfelt emails I receive on a daily basis — the ones that Andy mentioned last week and which, half the time, come with the subject head “Thank you.”

Well, now it’s time for me to say thank you.  Over the last few months I’ve been collecting gifts that fit with the general philosophy of this blog — pots and pans and cooking classes and a week of free dinners and kids’ books and crazy cool lunchboxes and some of the most delicious chocolates you will ever eat. So it’s only fair that today, the day Dinner: A Love Story is published, you guys get the chance to win them. All you have to do is click here to check out the prizes, answer one simple question (what part of the book resonated with you the most?), and follow the instructions on that page for how to proceed. (Please do not leave your “resonant moment” in this comment field. Again, go here!)

You have until July 6 to enter. Good luck!

And: Thank you.

Jenny, Andy, Phoebe & Abby

Split-personality pizzas: Everyone goes home happy. Pizza recipes begin on page 266.

My Dinner Diary in early 2005, when the girls were 2 and 1. Notice all the freezer and takeout dinners.

All photos above by Jennifer Causey for Dinner: A Love Story. Cover design by Allison Saltzman.


  • jill says:

    LOVING IT. Got it yesterday during family dinner (ironically) and having a hard time putting it down. Very, very well done. Thanks, Jenny!!

  • Avatar Holly says:

    Congratulations! My copy arrived yesterday afternoon, and I was so excited to see it on the front steps when I got home — and couldn’t wait until I put my daughter to bed so I could read it! (Is that antithetical to the DALS approach to life? If so, I am not all that apologetic in this case!) I read until my eyes were heavy last night, and then hauled it along to a dermatologist appointment this morning, and was so thankful to have extra time to read it during the interminably long wait instead of rushing right off to work after daycare drop off. I don’t think there’s a single recipe in it I wouldn’t want to make, and I SO feel you about the challenges of the early parenting years — but I now feel profound relief thinking that it’s not a permanent condition! Thank you, thank you!

  • Avatar Caitlin says:

    Congratulations! My copy was on my chair when I got back from lunch and it is beautiful. I am now distracted from the afternoon’s to-do list because I just want to dive in. When I opened the Amazon package in front of my friend she said, “oh a new cookbook?” and I babbled, “yeah, my friend Jenny wrote a book, I mean, she’s not really my friend, my internet friend, I don’t really know her, but I do, I mean…”. I guess I’m just proud. What an amazing accomplishment.

  • Avatar Kim says:

    Poured a glass of wine and read as long as I could keep my eyes open last night. Bravo!

  • Avatar Ashley says:

    My copy arrived today! So far I’ve only flipped through it but I am so excited to dive in. If it is anything like the blog, I am certainly in for a treat. 🙂

  • Avatar Katherine says:

    Congratulations! Mine just came today, and I just love it already. It feels so hearty and healthy in your hands. I love the pictures, and am excited to get to know your family even better. But I’m most excited about putting it in my recipe holder (for good).

    I also loved the piece on NPR, and was thrilled to see you again in Bon Appetit this month!

  • Avatar Rachel says:

    My copy arrived today. Finally at 9:45, after baths, bed time, post-bedtime clean up, email answering, phone call returning etc…I have had the chance to look through your amazing book. Jenny, it is so lovely – visually, technically, emotionally. What a phenomenal accomplishment. I can’t wait to read it in full. Thank you for all of the hard work that went in to DALS the book. You are a rock star!

  • Avatar Rosy says:

    I just got my new cookbook and am so excited. Quick edit to your blog…pizza recipes actually start on page 270, not page 266.

  • Marielaina Perrone DDS says:

    Congratulations. You should be very proud. That is quite an achievement. I will look forward to picking up a copy.

  • Avatar Edward says:

    Congrats! My kitchen shelf with notable food reference books has a spot waiting for this very special book!

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