Detox Soup


Not sure if you’ve noticed, but we’ve been doing a lot of eating in my house lately — and while we always try to keep it relatively artery-friendly, we frequently hit stretches where this is impossible. This past week, for instance, there was the burgers-and-dogs barbecue at a friend’s house, there was the baked-good bacchanalia during the ballet recital intermission, there was Andy’s business dinner at a downtown restaurant that proved to be a five-course ode to butter and cream. This is usually the time we break out our Detox Soup, made in a blender from all things green, and perfect for a warm summer night when you don’t want to turn on the stove.

The kids don’t love the soup as much as we do so we present them with a mini serving and provide cucumber slices and mini whole wheat pitas (no spoon) so they think of it more as a dip than as a soup.

(Recipe and photo updated June 2022)

Chilled Avocado & Cucumber Soup

1 large cucumber (peeled and cubed)
2 avocados (1 1/2 pitted and peeled, 1/2 cut into chunks)
1 cup buttermilk or plain yogurt (any fat content, but try for at least 2%)
juice of 1 large lime
1 small jalapeño chili, minced (remove seeds if your kids do not like heat)
5 scallions (white and light green parts only), roughly chopped (or 1/2 small shallot)
1/3 cup cilantro, roughly chopped (plus more for garnish)
3/4 cup vegetable broth (or water)
croutons (optional)
salt and pepper

In a blender, combine about two thirds of the cucumber, the 1 1/2 avocado, buttermilk (or yogurt), lime juice, jalapeño, scallions, cilantro, salt and pepper, and broth. Puree until smooth, adding more water or broth if necessary until it reaches a creamy, but not gloppy consistency. Chill for as long as you can, try to make it at least 30 minutes. Garnish with remaining cucumber, avocado, cilantro and croutons (if using) when you serve.

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How many servings is the recipe for? Anyone know? I’m thinking of doing this for a dinner party starter for 6 but don’t know whether I need to double it… Thanks!


That looks delish! Exactly the kind of green thing I’m craving after a couple days of fried everything…

PS: I read your newsletter, do I win the wine?


This soup looks delicious but I’m trying to be calorie conscious as well as healthy, is there a good substitution for the buttermilk? I’m trying to avoid dairy and processed foods.


Just made this soup with a corn and black bean flatbread. Since the soup is so easy and doesn’t require a stove, I am certain this will become a go to summer dinner. Thank you!


Hi Jenny,

We’re going to make this for dinner next week, thanks to your PPP post linking to this soup. The perfect dinner for hot weather! How many servings does the recipe make?


I made this first as is— delicious. I also made it again but used celery for the cucumbers since that is what I had and threw in some garlic. Had to adjust a little bc I think that might have too much water, but a great versatile recipe. Topped with some Tajin as well.


Has anyone tried making this soup non-dairy? Maybe using oat milk, or oat milk-based yogurt?
