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My How We’ve Grown!

By March 16, 2012October 2nd, 201310 Comments


  • Avatar april says:

    This made me laugh. Congratulations on your second birthday. I’d pre-order the book as a present, but I did that a few weeks ago already!

  • Lori@ In My Kitchen, In My Life says:

    Excellent! So pleased for you to have reached this milestone.

  • Kate says:

    Congrats! Here’s to many more!

  • Avatar chris says:

    Yes, congrats. Looking forward to another great year.

  • Avatar Susan says:

    Congrats to one of my very favorite blogs. Can’t wait for the book!

  • Avatar Carrie says:

    Love the growth chart! And of course, the blog, the stories, the recipes and on and on. Can’t wait for the book!! Happy birthday!

  • Avatar Nancy says:

    Love it! Happy Anniversary

  • Avatar christina says:

    Did you actually ruin a door for this? And do you do the door growth chart for your kids?

  • Avatar Jennifer P says:

    Just found your blog this morning (after being rudely awakened at 6 am – we apparently have a mouse and we definately have an uncoordinated dog that runs into things while chasing mice!!!) and it bightened up my day!! I especially love the “Clean Slate” blog from last year – I realized we see things much the same way.
    I too (almost) always make dinner after working all day (as a social worker) and it is often what keeps me sane after spending the day dealing with the sad side of life.

  • Avatar Kendra says:

    The world is a MUCH better place with DALS in it. Thanks for working so hard to bring such entertainment and yumminess to my life!

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