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Sweet BBQ Salmon and Campfire Potatoes

By May 27, 2010October 4th, 20119 Comments

I feel like I owe you guys an apology. I’m sure when you read last week that this was Grill Week on Dinner: A Love Story, that you were picturing sizzling ribeyes, creamy slaws, fatty ribs — Not a bunch of healthy lean meats and omega-3-rich fish. (It’s only Thursday, and it’s only May, so don’t worry, there’s still plenty of time to redeem myself.) But I would like to remind everyone that this is precisely why I’m so happy that the Weber is open for business again  — because grilling makes it is so easy to impart deep, rich flavors without relying on a whole lot of fat.

This salmon brushed with candy-like hoisin sauce, will become your go-to fish dish of summer 2010. But the real learning here is the potatoes. Buy them fresh and buy them little, wrap them in foil with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper, then put them on the grill grate for 30 minutes. (Listen to them  — if they sound really sizzly, check to make sure they’re not burning.) When they’re cooked, dump them into a bowl, smash with a fork, just so enough so the flesh bursts out of their skin, pour a little more olive oil on top, a squeeze of lemon, whatever chopped fresh herbs you’ve got (we used mint) and a dollop of sour cream or creme fraiche. (There, that’s not so healthy, right?) We had baby bell peppers and super fresh asparagus leftover from Monday night’s chicken-asparagus-potato-salad menu so we threw those on the grill to round out the plate.

Simple and Sweet BBQ Salmon
Anyone got a kid obsessed with the color pink? Make sure you point out that this fish fits right into the plan — that’s how we convinced Abby to embrace salmon when she was about 3 or 4.

Marinate a 1-pound piece of wild salmon in olive oil and 1-2 tablespoons soy sauce for about 30 minutes.

In separate bowl, whisk together 2 tablespoons hoisin sauce and the juice from one lime. Set aside.

Grill salmon about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Brush with the hoisin-lime sauce and grill, flesh-side down, for another 3 minutes. Serve.


  • Avatar andrea says:

    My daughter is going through a major pink phase right now but sadly won’t touch salmon (or any fish). Oh well. Maybe I should try beets!

  • Avatar kathryn says:

    love this love story!! what a perfect meal!! can’t wait to try out. I have always been a little scared of cooking potatoes on the grill for fear of the wait but now I have a time frame….thanks.

  • Avatar Life in Vet School says:

    I don’t know why I even bother reading your blog when I’m studying and can’t cook!!!! Here I am, stuck in the library for another probably 9 hours, and I’m droooooooling over your salmon. SO not fair!

    Can’t wait til this weekend so I can try it!

  • Jan (Family Bites) says:

    Oh my…the potatoes sound heavenly. I love the addition of sour cream…I wouldn’t have thought to do that. Yum!

  • Avatar Tamara says:

    We tried your potatoes camping this weekend and they were a HUGE hit. Added chives & mint. Potatoes fed over 10 adults and EVERYONE liked them. Big success. Many thanks for the great addition to our summer BBQ list!

  • Pingback: Grilled Summer Salad | dinner | Dinner: A Love Story
  • Avatar Shalini says:

    Hi Jenny. We made all this stuff this past week, it was so good we did it two nights in a row, making extra fish and vegetables, and then made the potatoes to go with steak later in the week again. A great excuse for my son to shovel in the sour cream, and to showcase those beautiful new potatoes out right now. Thank you!

  • Avatar Sandra says:

    Can you bake or broil this recipe instead of grilling?

  • Avatar Sara says:

    This is magic salmon! We made it for fish averse guests who raved about it, my husband says it’s the meal of his dreams, and our two-year-old licks the plate.

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